I have this quesiton - on writing a synthesis equivalent code -
Question on how to write a synthesis equivalent code in VHDL for the
below code -
Counter is a synchronous with Clock and has a synchro. reset inside.
signal CNT_OUT : unsigned ( 9 downto 0 );
counter_dut : count1 ( clk => CLK,
reset => reset,
cntout => CNT_OUT );
---- this statement is what my question is about really
-- How does the synthesis engine interpret this statement.
-- is it okay to give a decimal integer value here on the right side of
the comparison ?
MISER_PLL_RESETN <= '1' when (CNT_OUT >= 50 and CNT_OUT <= 100) else
'0' ;
Appreciate any help / suggestions on this. Thanks.
I have this quesiton - on writing a synthesis equivalent code -
Question on how to write a synthesis equivalent code in VHDL for the
below code -
Counter is a synchronous with Clock and has a synchro. reset inside.
signal CNT_OUT : unsigned ( 9 downto 0 );
counter_dut : count1 ( clk => CLK,
reset => reset,
cntout => CNT_OUT );
---- this statement is what my question is about really
-- How does the synthesis engine interpret this statement.
-- is it okay to give a decimal integer value here on the right side of
the comparison ?
MISER_PLL_RESETN <= '1' when (CNT_OUT >= 50 and CNT_OUT <= 100) else
'0' ;
Appreciate any help / suggestions on this. Thanks.