I'd like to latch a whats on the data bus when the Write signal goes
low, and the chip select is low...
However, since CS goes low before WR they do not occur at the same
time. How can I specify in the always block to trigger off of WR
going low and that CS also must also be low.
From what I've read, doing something like:
always @(negedge wr and cs)
will trigger whenever cs changes (posedge or negedge).. not exactly
what I'm looking for!
low, and the chip select is low...
However, since CS goes low before WR they do not occur at the same
time. How can I specify in the always block to trigger off of WR
going low and that CS also must also be low.
From what I've read, doing something like:
always @(negedge wr and cs)
will trigger whenever cs changes (posedge or negedge).. not exactly
what I'm looking for!