Synplicity Synthesis of VHDL module


salman sheikh

I am trying to synthesize a floating point multiplier that uses a
generate state to create an adder tree. I simulated it fine, but
synthesis complains about a problem that I can't seem to get past.

I am using Synplify Pro 7.3.3 and my log file looks like this:

Copyright (C) 1994-2002, Synplicity Inc. All Rights Reserved
Synthesizing fplib.fpmul_addtree_clk.arch
Synthesizing fplib.fpmul_addtree_clk.arch
with negative exponent -1
with negative exponent -1
Synthesizing fplib.fpmul_addtree_clk.arch
2 errors during synthesis

The fpmul_addtree_clk was not written by me. It uses a generate
statement to instantiate itself a certain number of times. I think it is
going down to the point where it is getting a negative number for one of
the generics. How can I stop this, if this is the problem?

Thanks in advance.


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