Synopsys vhdlsim (VHDL simulator)


Unfortunately, there is no group I can find which can address questions
specific to synopsys-related tools like vhdlsim, so I post my question here.

Running some VHDL simulations using 'vhdlsim', I notice that the memory
requirements steadily increase to very large amounts with no end in sight
(however, another simulation of the same test bench but with different
parameters [such as the name of a data file, component speeds and clock speed]
does not seem to get very big [approaching 1GB]). Are there any general tips on
VHDL on how to reduce memory usage during simulation? Could this behaviour be
due to a simulator-specific feature/bug? wrote:

Running some VHDL simulations using 'vhdlsim', I notice that the memory
requirements steadily increase to very large amounts with no end in sight
Are there any general tips on
VHDL on how to reduce memory usage during simulation?
One option may be to use unresolved data types such as
std_ulogic(_vector) instead of std_logic(_vector) as long as possible.
This has the advantage, that unwanted multiple drivers to one signal are
detected and it saves the resolution function.

But I don't have an idea how big are the differences...

Ralf wrote:

). Are there any general tips on
VHDL on how to reduce memory usage during simulation? Could this behaviour be
due to a simulator-specific feature/bug?

-- Mike Treseler

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