Christoph Studer
In our student design project, we are using four RAM macrocells with
built-in scan functionality. We tried to insert two chains, one
through all registers and a second one for the RAMs. The one through
the registers does work, but if we try to connect the scan-pins of the
RAM-cell with the pins of the whole design, the commands
set_scan_segment and set_scan_path do not work as expected.
unfortunately nobody of the local staff can help us.
here is the part of our insert-scan-script:
set_scan_configuration -existing_scan false
set_scan_configuration -replace false
set_scan_configuration -chain_count 2
set_scan_path ScanChainTOP find (-hierarchy, cell, "*reg*") -clock
set_scan_signal test_scan_enable -port ScanEnablexTI -chain
set_scan_signal test_scan_in -port DataINPxDI[0] -chain ScanChainTOP
set_scan_signal test_scan_out -port DataOUPxDO[0] -chain ScanChainTOP
set_scan_segment ScanChainMEM -contains {"Mem0","Mem1","Mem2","Mem3"}
set_scan_path ScanChainMEM {Mem0,Mem1,Mem2,Mem3} -clock ClkxCI
set_scan_segment ScanChainMEM -access {test_scan_enable Mem0/TSE }
set_scan_segment ScanChainMEM -access {test_scan_enable Mem1/TSE }
set_scan_segment ScanChainMEM -access {test_scan_enable Mem2/TSE }
set_scan_segment ScanChainMEM -access {test_scan_enable Mem3/TSE }
set_scan_segment ScanChainMEM -access {test_scan_in Mem0/TIREN}
set_scan_segment ScanChainMEM -access {test_scan_out Mem3/TOWADR}
set_scan_signal test_scan_enable -port ScanEnablexTI -chain
set_scan_signal test_scan_in -port DataINPxDI[1] -chain ScanChainMEM
set_scan_signal test_scan_out -port DataOUPxDO[1] -chain ScanChainMEM
thanks for your help!
christoph studer / ETH Zurich
built-in scan functionality. We tried to insert two chains, one
through all registers and a second one for the RAMs. The one through
the registers does work, but if we try to connect the scan-pins of the
RAM-cell with the pins of the whole design, the commands
set_scan_segment and set_scan_path do not work as expected.
unfortunately nobody of the local staff can help us.
here is the part of our insert-scan-script:
set_scan_configuration -existing_scan false
set_scan_configuration -replace false
set_scan_configuration -chain_count 2
set_scan_path ScanChainTOP find (-hierarchy, cell, "*reg*") -clock
set_scan_signal test_scan_enable -port ScanEnablexTI -chain
set_scan_signal test_scan_in -port DataINPxDI[0] -chain ScanChainTOP
set_scan_signal test_scan_out -port DataOUPxDO[0] -chain ScanChainTOP
set_scan_segment ScanChainMEM -contains {"Mem0","Mem1","Mem2","Mem3"}
set_scan_path ScanChainMEM {Mem0,Mem1,Mem2,Mem3} -clock ClkxCI
set_scan_segment ScanChainMEM -access {test_scan_enable Mem0/TSE }
set_scan_segment ScanChainMEM -access {test_scan_enable Mem1/TSE }
set_scan_segment ScanChainMEM -access {test_scan_enable Mem2/TSE }
set_scan_segment ScanChainMEM -access {test_scan_enable Mem3/TSE }
set_scan_segment ScanChainMEM -access {test_scan_in Mem0/TIREN}
set_scan_segment ScanChainMEM -access {test_scan_out Mem3/TOWADR}
set_scan_signal test_scan_enable -port ScanEnablexTI -chain
set_scan_signal test_scan_in -port DataINPxDI[1] -chain ScanChainMEM
set_scan_signal test_scan_out -port DataOUPxDO[1] -chain ScanChainMEM
thanks for your help!
christoph studer / ETH Zurich