I am having an issue with synthesizing the code below using Synopsys
design analyzer.
clkproc_12: process(clk)
for index in 0 to num_stg12_sad_regs-1 loop
if (rising_edge(clk)) then
if (rst = '1' or stg12_rst(index) = '1') then
stg12_sad_reg((index+1)*out_size-1 downto
index*out_size) <= "000000000000";
elsif ((en and stg12_en(index)) = '1') then
stg12_sad_reg((index+1)*out_size-1 downto index*out_size) <=
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end process;
The error that I get is:
Error: This use of clock edge specification not supported in routine PE
line 219 in file 'xxx/pe.vhd' (HDL-109)
Line 219 is the "rising_edge" line. I am not sure what is wrong with
this clock specification, is it because of it being nested in a for
Any help would be appreciated.
design analyzer.
clkproc_12: process(clk)
for index in 0 to num_stg12_sad_regs-1 loop
if (rising_edge(clk)) then
if (rst = '1' or stg12_rst(index) = '1') then
stg12_sad_reg((index+1)*out_size-1 downto
index*out_size) <= "000000000000";
elsif ((en and stg12_en(index)) = '1') then
stg12_sad_reg((index+1)*out_size-1 downto index*out_size) <=
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end process;
The error that I get is:
Error: This use of clock edge specification not supported in routine PE
line 219 in file 'xxx/pe.vhd' (HDL-109)
Line 219 is the "rising_edge" line. I am not sure what is wrong with
this clock specification, is it because of it being nested in a for
Any help would be appreciated.