Synchronizing Virtex-6 RocketIOs on RX path


Berti Schueler


in a project I am using a Virtex-6 with GTX RocketIO transceivers which I
want to interface with a 4x 6.5 Gb/s interface on the RX side. One project
contraint is not to use any channel coding, i.e. only 8B data. So I have 4x
6.5Gb/s that I have to synchronize on the RX path. That gives me two major

a) Somehow achieve a clock recovery
b) Synchronize the incoming data

Due to the fact that I am not allowed to use a specific channel coding, I
cannot get the clock signal extracted from my data. So my idea is to use one
additional channel to send a 1-0-pattern to get a clock reference for the
whole interface. Use this as RXRECCLK (RX recovered clock) to clock the
other RocketIOs. Is this possible? If so, done! Then use a training pattern
on the other channels to be able to shift and deskew the data (given that
the skew does not change over time). Thereafter transmit the data over the 4
parallel channels.

So what do you think of this concept? Is it feasible? Any other suggestions?

Berti Schueler wrote:

in a project I am using a Virtex-6 with GTX RocketIO transceivers which I
want to interface with a 4x 6.5 Gb/s interface on the RX side. One project
contraint is not to use any channel coding, i.e. only 8B data. So I have 4x
6.5Gb/s that I have to synchronize on the RX path. That gives me two major

a) Somehow achieve a clock recovery
b) Synchronize the incoming data

Due to the fact that I am not allowed to use a specific channel coding, I
cannot get the clock signal extracted from my data. So my idea is to use one
additional channel to send a 1-0-pattern to get a clock reference for the
whole interface. Use this as RXRECCLK (RX recovered clock) to clock the
other RocketIOs. Is this possible? If so, done! Then use a training pattern
on the other channels to be able to shift and deskew the data (given that
the skew does not change over time). Thereafter transmit the data over the 4
parallel channels.

So what do you think of this concept? Is it feasible? Any other suggestions?

Your solution sounds remarkably like Channel-Link, and it's not likely
to work at 6.5 Gbps. The problem (even if it were possible to wire the
bit clocks together inside the V6) is that you're looking at a daunting
task to match the prop delays between data and clock channels. You
have a much better chance of success using 8B-10B encoding and
increasing the clock rate to allow the required throughput. Is
the Rx side also implemented in V6?

-- Gabor
On Mar 9, 10:26 am, Gabor <ga...@szakacs.invalid> wrote:
Berti Schueler wrote:

in a project I am using a Virtex-6 with GTXRocketIOtransceivers which I
want to interface with a 4x 6.5 Gb/s interface on the RX side. One project
contraint is not to use any channel coding, i.e. only 8B data. So I have 4x
6.5Gb/s that I have to synchronize on the RX path. That gives me two major

a) Somehow achieve a clock recovery
b) Synchronize the incoming data

Due to the fact that I am not allowed to use a specific channel coding, I
cannot get the clock signal extracted from my data. So my idea is to use one
additional channel to send a 1-0-pattern to get a clock reference for the
whole interface. Use this as RXRECCLK (RX recovered clock) to clock the
other RocketIOs. Is this possible? If so, done! Then use a training pattern
on the other channels to be able to shift and deskew the data (given that
the skew does not change over time). Thereafter transmit the data over the 4
parallel channels.

So what do you think of this concept? Is it feasible? Any other suggestions?


Your solution sounds remarkably like Channel-Link, and it's not likely
to work at 6.5 Gbps.  The problem (even if it were possible to wire the
bit clocks together inside the V6) is that you're looking at a daunting
task to match the prop delays between data and clock channels.  You
have a much better chance of success using 8B-10B encoding and
increasing the clock rate to allow the required throughput.  Is
the Rx side also implemented in V6?

-- Gabor
I may have a similar problem so just brainstorming here: is it
possible to use the recovered clock from the clock channel channel to
a PLL to have better clock performance?

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