>>Sydney<< Antique Radio Restoration & Repair and 4 Sale <<<



Over the past 40years, I have been collecting and restoring wooden cabinet
table-top and console radios from the (Pictured is the German
"Volksempfanger")1920's and 40's; specializing in AC powered BC (Broadcast
Band) and SW (Short Wave) sets (although there are a few Bakelite sets).
Much of my extensive collection is restored but there are a few that need
cosmetic and electronic work languishing on the "IN" shelf. Some of these
units have featured as back-drops in on-stage or film productions, so yes I
do hire-out some models.

Did you know that most older speakers are built better and are higher
quality than speakers today?
Many people have been brainwashed by salesmen into thinking their current
speakers just won't sound as good as new speakers. Don't believe the hype!
This is just not true. After I repair your speakers, they will sound exactly
like they did when they were new, and better than most new speakers you can
buy today. You know better than anyone how great your speakers sounded when
they were new right.
Foam deterioration is the most common problem with hi-fi and home stereo
speakers. The foam edge (or foam surround) wears out and deteriorates after
10-15 years. I can replace this foam piece and make your speakers sound just
like new! This process is called "Re-Edging" (or "Re-Foaming"). The price
for Re-Edging is a fraction of what it costs to buy new speakers.

Otherwise if you need more info give me a call on (02) 99585111 I am located
in Sydney (Castlegrag)
On Thu, 20 Oct 2005 13:32:31 +1000, "&gt;&gt;OziMail4U&lt;&lt;"
&lt;uvh2o@comcen.com.au&gt; wrote:

Over the past 40years, I have been collecting and restoring wooden cabinet
table-top and console radios from the (Pictured is the German
"Volksempfanger")1920's and 40's; specializing in AC powered BC (Broadcast
Band) and SW (Short Wave) sets (although there are a few Bakelite sets).
Much of my extensive collection is restored but there are a few that need
cosmetic and electronic work languishing on the "IN" shelf. Some of these
units have featured as back-drops in on-stage or film productions, so yes I
do hire-out some models.

Did you know that most older speakers are built better and are higher
quality than speakers today?
Many people have been brainwashed by salesmen into thinking their current
speakers just won't sound as good as new speakers. Don't believe the hype!
Sounds like the beginning of a sales pitch to me.

This is just not true. After I repair your speakers, they will sound exactly
like they did when they were new, and better than most new speakers you can
buy today. You know better than anyone how great your speakers sounded when
they were new right.
Sounding more like a sales pitch to me..

Foam deterioration is the most common problem with hi-fi and home stereo
speakers. The foam edge (or foam surround) wears out and deteriorates after
10-15 years. I can replace this foam piece and make your speakers sound just
like new! This process is called "Re-Edging" (or "Re-Foaming"). The price
for Re-Edging is a fraction of what it costs to buy new speakers.
And there is is, the wrap up.

Otherwise if you need more info give me a call on (02) 99585111 I am located
in Sydney (Castlegrag)
Take your bullshit elswhere.
"&gt;&gt;OziMail4U&lt;&lt;" &lt;uvh2o@comcen.com.au&gt; wrote in message
Over the past 40years, I have been collecting and restoring wooden cabinet
table-top and console radios from the (Pictured is the German
"Volksempfanger")1920's and 40's; specializing in AC powered BC (Broadcast
Band) and SW (Short Wave) sets (although there are a few Bakelite sets).
Much of my extensive collection is restored but there are a few that need
cosmetic and electronic work languishing on the "IN" shelf. Some of these
units have featured as back-drops in on-stage or film productions, so yes
do hire-out some models.

Did you know that most older speakers are built better and are higher
quality than speakers today?
**What a load of cobblers! Modern, high quality speakers use superior
quality drivers, better cabinets and superior crossovers. Moreover, most
have been carefully designed using CAD technology. Older speakers were very
much 'hit and miss' designs. Driver materials have improved in leaps and
bounds. Modern plastics last longer, tolerances are tighter and thermal
capabilities are vastly superior.

Trevor Wilson
"&gt;&gt;OziMail4U&lt;&lt;" &lt;uvh2o@comcen.com.au&gt; wrote in message
Did you know that most older speakers are built better and are higher
quality than speakers today?
Many people have been brainwashed by salesmen into thinking their current
speakers just won't sound as good as new speakers. Don't believe the hype!
This is just not true. After I repair your speakers, they will sound
like they did when they were new, and better than most new speakers you
buy today. You know better than anyone how great your speakers sounded
they were new right.
I suppose K-Tel vinyl from the 80's sounds better than the modern day thick
German vinyl too?

There is a much larger range of speaker drivers available these days (using
a much larger range of materials). Certainly your statements would be
correct about some of the speakers on the market today, but there are plenty
that would blow any old speaker away.

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