Switching between series and parallel



I have 2 solar panels, each outputing 8 volts at 50ma. I'll be using
them for various applications, and would like to build a circuit that
would let me switch between series and parallel output with the flip of
a switch. My electonic knowledge is beginner-intermediate, and I've
searched on the topic, but all I get is guitar amp articles. Any
insight on a circuit design is very appreciated!

GGE5 wrote:
I have 2 solar panels, each outputing 8 volts at 50ma. I'll be using
them for various applications, and would like to build a circuit that
would let me switch between series and parallel output with the flip
of a switch. My electonic knowledge is beginner-intermediate, and
I've searched on the topic, but all I get is guitar amp articles. Any
insight on a circuit design is very appreciated!

You can do it with just a DPDT toggle switch.

I wonder if this is one of the diagrams you found:

That web page is about switching pick-ups, but the principle is the same:
A+ and A- are the terminals of solar cell A
B+ and B- are the terminals of solar cell B
OUT + and OUT - are the output.
GGE5 wrote:
I have 2 solar panels, each outputing 8 volts at 50ma. I'll be using
them for various applications, and would like to build a circuit that
would let me switch between series and parallel output with the flip of
a switch. My electonic knowledge is beginner-intermediate, and I've
searched on the topic, but all I get is guitar amp articles. Any
insight on a circuit design is very appreciated!
+---------+----------> +OUT
| |
+---+---+ |
| + | |
| | |
| - | |
+---+---+ |
| |
+---------|-----O DPDT Center Off
| \ Switch
| V
+--|---O O-+
| | |
| +---O O-+
| ^
| /
| |
+---+---+ |
| + | |
| | |
| - | |
+---+---+ |
| |
+------+-------------> -OUT

If you want to do this remotely, replace the DPDT switch with a relay
(you lose the easy option of an OFF position if you do this).
Tim Hubberstey, P.Eng. . . . . . Hardware/Software Consulting Engineer
Marmot Engineering . . . . . . . VHDL, ASICs, FPGAs, embedded systems
Vancouver, BC, Canada . . . . . . . . . . . http://www.marmot-eng.com
Wow thank you, that was very helpful. It's amazing how simple it is, I
was prepared to use a couple transistors and diodes :)

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