I'm using a TWS433 and RWS433 low power UHF modules (I think less then .08
watt) , and want to switch a single antenna between the two using a Pic
micro. The antenna is a small rubber whip type.
I was thinking of just using a small 5v coil dil relay to do the job.
Was wondering if someone could explain to me if this was a good or bad idea
and the reasons ?
I'm using a TWS433 and RWS433 low power UHF modules (I think less then .08
watt) , and want to switch a single antenna between the two using a Pic
micro. The antenna is a small rubber whip type.
I was thinking of just using a small 5v coil dil relay to do the job.
Was wondering if someone could explain to me if this was a good or bad idea
and the reasons ?