Ian Field
Scrap MX420 graphics card + modellers pencil blowtorch = pile of SMD parts
on the bench.
There's a couple of small 8-pin SMD chips that Google couldn't find, I
presume they are switch mode regulators, as they were in the vicinity of 2
toroids and 4 low ESR electrolytics.
There's an AD2S12, which Google thinks is an AD DAC chip, and the other is
simply marked; 1750 - thinking Google probably wouldn't make much sense of
that, I added "datasheet pdf" to the search string - Google still couldn't
make much sense of it!
Any help please?
on the bench.
There's a couple of small 8-pin SMD chips that Google couldn't find, I
presume they are switch mode regulators, as they were in the vicinity of 2
toroids and 4 low ESR electrolytics.
There's an AD2S12, which Google thinks is an AD DAC chip, and the other is
simply marked; 1750 - thinking Google probably wouldn't make much sense of
that, I added "datasheet pdf" to the search string - Google still couldn't
make much sense of it!
Any help please?