Terry Pinnell
My investement in CircuitMaker is substantial, over years, and it has
many features I like (including its extensive library). So I'd
probably never willingly abandon it. But it's clear that
LTspice/SwitcherCAD III has many strengths (including its support
here), so I've recently returned to it to experiment a little.
Could one of the LTspice experts advise me on a small initial query
please. After drawing a simple schematic I plotted the waveform at a
test node. But how do I place permanent probe symbols on the schematic
please, so that I can immediately visually relate the waveform to the
nodes being plotted?
Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK
many features I like (including its extensive library). So I'd
probably never willingly abandon it. But it's clear that
LTspice/SwitcherCAD III has many strengths (including its support
here), so I've recently returned to it to experiment a little.
Could one of the LTspice experts advise me on a small initial query
please. After drawing a simple schematic I plotted the waveform at a
test node. But how do I place permanent probe symbols on the schematic
please, so that I can immediately visually relate the waveform to the
nodes being plotted?
Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK