looking to swap my imacculate IC207H,with 24 months NEW warranty remaining.
118MHz to 950MHz,[not continuous] ,830 MHz - 950MHz UNBLOCKED .All fittings
from new are still in unopenned bags.has
everything,box,book,mic,mount,fittings,everything from new Looks 10,performs
Swap for.
VX5R OR IC-T90,in similar condition,INCLUDING box,book,all antenna
segments,wall chgr,etc. NO rub marks on the keypads and no dings,im looking
for a definate 10...
an AOR ar 8000 or ar 8200 or similar ssb [all mode]scanner,with all
pieces,book,box,ant,wall chgr,etc. NO rub marks on keypads or dings on the
unit please. Im looking for a 10.
ANY country voltage ok [ wall chgr ]
Direct swap for right radio,i know there are any number of well maintained
radios still out there.
Im in AUSTRALIA and shipping will be on average 21 working days im told.I am
an HONEST and reliable Amateur and im counting on your honesty too.
Email enquires to ausdreaming@hotmail.com
TY for looking..
118MHz to 950MHz,[not continuous] ,830 MHz - 950MHz UNBLOCKED .All fittings
from new are still in unopenned bags.has
everything,box,book,mic,mount,fittings,everything from new Looks 10,performs
Swap for.
VX5R OR IC-T90,in similar condition,INCLUDING box,book,all antenna
segments,wall chgr,etc. NO rub marks on the keypads and no dings,im looking
for a definate 10...
an AOR ar 8000 or ar 8200 or similar ssb [all mode]scanner,with all
pieces,book,box,ant,wall chgr,etc. NO rub marks on keypads or dings on the
unit please. Im looking for a 10.
ANY country voltage ok [ wall chgr ]
Direct swap for right radio,i know there are any number of well maintained
radios still out there.
Im in AUSTRALIA and shipping will be on average 21 working days im told.I am
an HONEST and reliable Amateur and im counting on your honesty too.
Email enquires to ausdreaming@hotmail.com
TY for looking..