Image: http:///image.php?id=B0002IGGOE
Best deal: http:///index.php?id=B0002IGGOE
The folding square fits in your pocket! The Accur-8 is sold in two sizes, 8" and 12". It has locking positions at each 22.5° between 0° and 180°. Each position has a guarantee highly accurate tolerance of +/- 0.05°and has been tested with the same accuracy for over 100,000 complete cycles
Swanson AC800 8-Inch ACCUR 8 Self Locking Square:http:///index.php?id=B0002IGGO4
CH Hanson 03050 Slide Square:http:///index.php?id=B000YJ6PRE
Measuring, Marking, and Layout: A Builder's Guide:http:///index.php?id=1561583359
Old House Journal:http:///index.php?id=B000CQNKB8
Image: http:///image.php?id=B0002IGGOE
Best deal: http:///index.php?id=B0002IGGOE
The folding square fits in your pocket! The Accur-8 is sold in two sizes, 8" and 12". It has locking positions at each 22.5° between 0° and 180°. Each position has a guarantee highly accurate tolerance of +/- 0.05°and has been tested with the same accuracy for over 100,000 complete cycles
Swanson AC800 8-Inch ACCUR 8 Self Locking Square:http:///index.php?id=B0002IGGO4
CH Hanson 03050 Slide Square:http:///index.php?id=B000YJ6PRE
Measuring, Marking, and Layout: A Builder's Guide:http:///index.php?id=1561583359
Old House Journal:http:///index.php?id=B000CQNKB8