Fred Bloggs
Title of an online book in HTML written by David McKay ( now deceased since 2016).
Nuts and bolts physics based description of just about every sustainable energy source, viability, costs, sufficiency, etc ... plus the flip side which is activities requiring energy consumption. Doesn\'t make any sense to make something if you don\'t know how much you need, and/or are projected to need.
David JC MacKay FRS
Professor of Natural Philosophy,
Department of Physics,
University of Cambridge
Nuts and bolts physics based description of just about every sustainable energy source, viability, costs, sufficiency, etc ... plus the flip side which is activities requiring energy consumption. Doesn\'t make any sense to make something if you don\'t know how much you need, and/or are projected to need.
David JC MacKay FRS
Professor of Natural Philosophy,
Department of Physics,
University of Cambridge