SURPLUS 28 Ghz LMDS (large quantity) available !!

Hello All,
I have available FORSALE/Offer a LARGE quantity (4
Pallets) of ex SPECTRAPOINT 28 Ghz LMDS Microwave hardware.
It is mostly NEW and unused - with many pieces still in it's original

See below for a summary of the Inventory & my Website....

Lots of DIGIPIX of ALL this gear can be provided - just ask.

At this time I an NOT willing to separate this gear.
Seeking $$Offers for the ENTIRE quantity of roughly 4 Pallets !!.

Please send responses direct to my Email address - but remember to
delete the indented anti-spam bits first.

Thank you.


Alan Devlin.

RF RESALE... where Honesty & Integrity are paramount !
Melbourne, Australia.


Ex SPECTRAPOINT - 28 Ghz LMDS Microwave hardware.
This gear was originally made by Bosch/Richardson. Here's a
rudimentary Inventory :

TRAK Timing and Frequency Reference Subrack - TWO complete units.
Model 90-500-4000-000 !
Each S/R contains DUAL redundant GPS derived/locked "ultra stable"
Signal Sources on 960 Mhz, 10 Mhz & 1 Hertz, c/w Distribution

Check this WEBSITE for some info on a very similiar/related products :

The TWO units I have a very similar to the Model 9100 but come with
additional cards/modules.

RX units (small) - 18
RX units (large) - 10
TX units (small) - 15
TX units (large) - 8
Small = Low Gain, Large = Hi Gain.

More Info - Part No's :

RECEIVERS : Model RX2000-28-xx
where xx is a suffix that defines Basic or High Gain Antenna &

Internals comprise a programmable MICROSOURCE YIG OSC (brick) with
configurable internal Doubler and more.

TRANSMITTERS : Model TX2000-28-xx
where xx is a suffix that defines Basic or High Gain Antenna &
Polarisation. Features +13 to +30 dBm adjustable Tx O/P and L Band IF.

Internals comprise a programmable MICROSOURCE YIG OSC with
configurable internal Doubler covering 25.88-27.05 Ghz, R Band WG
units by - Apollo Model 15291, Isolator by Dorado Model 41WN29-001 and
Mixer by Nanowave Model : NW 2728-30-1, Andrews Sector Antenna.

Roof units - Point to Point 28 Ghz TX/RX via little Offset dishes c/w
Radome, Part No RTU2000-28-2 : 40 units.
Pole Mounts : 40 off
IF Translator Boxes for above Roof units : 30 off
Internals (RF) for above : 5 off

Spare Cards : 10 - E1, 3 IF Translators, 4 Dual Channel,
Sundry other.

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