Question at ====> line:
Small LED Light As Indicator In A Surge Protector
However, the most beneficial advancement of late is that small LED
bulbs are now utilized as indicator lights in the device that protects
equipment from power surges, the surge protector. Surges, otherwise
called voltage spikes or transient surges, are abrupt increases in
household voltage what happen when high-energy appliances or computers
are powered on. Such surges can take place in excess of 2,000 times
per year in homes, slowly destroying the components of a home
=====> Is this sentence true. Many times a year? And more
importantly, *slowly* destroying. Not ruined or "no damage"?
computer, a cell phone, and other fragile electronic equipment. Other
home appliances, furnaces, air conditioners, washers, dryers, and the
like, are also know to create surges which travel back through the
main breaker panel and out again through the home wiring.
Small LED Light As Indicator In A Surge Protector
However, the most beneficial advancement of late is that small LED
bulbs are now utilized as indicator lights in the device that protects
equipment from power surges, the surge protector. Surges, otherwise
called voltage spikes or transient surges, are abrupt increases in
household voltage what happen when high-energy appliances or computers
are powered on. Such surges can take place in excess of 2,000 times
per year in homes, slowly destroying the components of a home
=====> Is this sentence true. Many times a year? And more
importantly, *slowly* destroying. Not ruined or "no damage"?
computer, a cell phone, and other fragile electronic equipment. Other
home appliances, furnaces, air conditioners, washers, dryers, and the
like, are also know to create surges which travel back through the
main breaker panel and out again through the home wiring.