Sunspots are not sunspots but plasma volcanoes and the volcanic activity of the sun should be considered a cause of climate change on Earth...


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Sunspots are not sunspots but plasma volcanoes and the volcanic activity of the sun should be considered a cause of climate change on Earth

Sunspots are not sunspots but plasma volcanoes and the volcanic activity of the sun should be considered a cause of climate change on Earth

00:13 (2 hours ago)

Volcanoes on the Sun can be active, inactive, small, large
but the whole theory of the number of sunspots has been a big hoax for years,
because it has long been possible to measure and study the activity of every lava volcano on the sun.

So the number of sunspots is not relevant to the Earth\'s climate
but only whether the largest ones are active and whether they eject lava - that is, plasma - towards the Earth.

Because if they eject billions of tonnes of plasma at a temperature of one million degrees C, at a speed of 500 km/sec.

the weather on Earth immediately changes, the clouds disappear, as the thermosphere suddenly warms up, the thermosphere bulges like a balloon and the lower layers of the atmosphere heat up, the clouds heat up and their ceiling increases, and rain clouds disappear.

And when there are fewer spots on the sun and no large volcanoes,
the amount of energy reaching the Earth is reduced by 1000 GW

and the cloud pool decreases, cools down and turns into rain clouds and we have winter in September.

So the number of sunspots is not important, but whether they are large and whether they eject lava towards the Earth and how much of this lava

We already have the tools today to calculate the energy of all the volcanoes on the Sun and we can calculate how much lava they throw towards the Earth and in this way we can forecast the Earth\'s weather and climate changes and the
monthly/yearly short-term climate changes.

That is, after hundreds of years of delusional messages about the number of sunspots,
from now on we talk about the number of active volcanoes on the sun
and we study the size of each vulcanoe and measure the amount of ejected lava - i.e. plasma and we have the tools for calculating the trajectory of the ejected lava, whether it reaches the Earth, whether it reaches the northern or southern hemisphere or the equator.

Watching the auroras and analysing them is also helpful
but there are no tools today for measuring their energy, other than viewing..
On Tuesday, 20 September 2022 at 01:53:45 UTC+2, a a wrote:
Sunspots are not sunspots but plasma volcanoes and the volcanic activity of the sun should be considered a cause of climate change on Earth

Sunspots are not sunspots but plasma volcanoes and the volcanic activity of the sun should be considered a cause of climate change on Earth

00:13 (2 hours ago)

Volcanoes on the Sun can be active, inactive, small, large
but the whole theory of the number of sunspots has been a big hoax for years,
because it has long been possible to measure and study the activity of every lava volcano on the sun.

So the number of sunspots is not relevant to the Earth\'s climate
but only whether the largest ones are active and whether they eject lava - that is, plasma - towards the Earth.

Because if they eject billions of tonnes of plasma at a temperature of one million degrees C, at a speed of 500 km/sec.

the weather on Earth immediately changes, the clouds disappear, as the thermosphere suddenly warms up, the thermosphere bulges like a balloon and the lower layers of the atmosphere heat up, the clouds heat up and their ceiling increases, and rain clouds disappear.

And when there are fewer spots on the sun and no large volcanoes,
the amount of energy reaching the Earth is reduced by 1000 GW

and the cloud pool decreases, cools down and turns into rain clouds and we have winter in September.

So the number of sunspots is not important, but whether they are large and whether they eject lava towards the Earth and how much of this lava

We already have the tools today to calculate the energy of all the volcanoes on the Sun and we can calculate how much lava they throw towards the Earth and in this way we can forecast the Earth\'s weather and climate changes and the
monthly/yearly short-term climate changes.

That is, after hundreds of years of delusional messages about the number of sunspots,
from now on we talk about the number of active volcanoes on the sun
and we study the size of each vulcanoe and measure the amount of ejected lava - i.e. plasma and we have the tools for calculating the trajectory of the ejected lava, whether it reaches the Earth, whether it reaches the northern or southern hemisphere or the equator.

Watching the auroras and analysing them is also helpful
but there are no tools today for measuring their energy, other than viewing.

\"SIMULTANEOUS EXPLOSIONS ON THE SUN: Yesterday, Sept. 18th, the sun\'s southern hemisphere convulsed all at once. NASA\'s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) recorded three apparently simultaneous explosions more than a million kilometers apart:

Coincidence? Maybe not. Twelve summers ago, SDO witnessed an even bigger eruption with a dozen significant shock waves, flares, filament eruptions, and CMEs spanning 180 degrees of solar longitude. Researchers studying the event realized that the blasts were a chain reaction connected by wide-ranging faults (\"separatrices\") in the sun\'s global magnetic field. Yesterday\'s event may have been the same.

A CME left the sun following the triple explosion, but the jury\'s still out on whether it will hit Earth. NOAA analysts are modeling the cloud\'s trajectory now. Update: Subsequent modelling of the CME showed no Earth-directed component.
On Tuesday, 20 September 2022 at 01:53:45 UTC+2, a a wrote:
Sunspots are not sunspots but plasma volcanoes and the volcanic activity of the sun should be considered a cause of climate change on Earth

Sunspots are not sunspots but plasma volcanoes and the volcanic activity of the sun should be considered a cause of climate change on Earth

00:13 (2 hours ago)

Volcanoes on the Sun can be active, inactive, small, large
but the whole theory of the number of sunspots has been a big hoax for years,
because it has long been possible to measure and study the activity of every lava volcano on the sun.

So the number of sunspots is not relevant to the Earth\'s climate
but only whether the largest ones are active and whether they eject lava - that is, plasma - towards the Earth.

Because if they eject billions of tonnes of plasma at a temperature of one million degrees C, at a speed of 500 km/sec.

the weather on Earth immediately changes, the clouds disappear, as the thermosphere suddenly warms up, the thermosphere bulges like a balloon and the lower layers of the atmosphere heat up, the clouds heat up and their ceiling increases, and rain clouds disappear.

And when there are fewer spots on the sun and no large volcanoes,
the amount of energy reaching the Earth is reduced by 1000 GW

and the cloud pool decreases, cools down and turns into rain clouds and we have winter in September.

So the number of sunspots is not important, but whether they are large and whether they eject lava towards the Earth and how much of this lava

We already have the tools today to calculate the energy of all the volcanoes on the Sun and we can calculate how much lava they throw towards the Earth and in this way we can forecast the Earth\'s weather and climate changes and the
monthly/yearly short-term climate changes.

That is, after hundreds of years of delusional messages about the number of sunspots,
from now on we talk about the number of active volcanoes on the sun
and we study the size of each vulcanoe and measure the amount of ejected lava - i.e. plasma and we have the tools for calculating the trajectory of the ejected lava, whether it reaches the Earth, whether it reaches the northern or southern hemisphere or the equator.

Watching the auroras and analysing them is also helpful
but there are no tools today for measuring their energy, other than viewing.

THAT SUNSPOT IS GETTING BIGGER: Sunspot AR3105 emerging over the sun\'s eastern limb is growing rapidly: movie. We\'ve seen this sunspot before. It\'s AR3089 returning after a 2-week trip around the farside of the sun. Instead of decaying, the old sunspot seems to be growing again. If this continues, it could soon pose a threat for Earth-directed flares. Solar flare alerts: SMS Text.

AN EXPLOSION OF AURORAS OVER NORWAY: Last night in Tromsø, Norway, there was an explosion of auroras so intense \"it made my guests scream and laugh at the same time,\" says aurora tour guide Markus Varik. \"We had no idea the night would turn out like this!\"

\"There were swirls, spikes, curtains, draperies, you name it,\" says Varik. \"We must be getting close to the equinox.\"

Indeed, that\'s exactly what\'s happening. The northern autumnal equinox is only 3 days away and, as all Arctic sky watchers know, auroras love equinoxes.

Researchers call it the \"Russell-McPherron effect.\" During the weeks around equinoxes, cracks form in Earth\'s magnetic field. Even a slight gust of solar wind can slip through to spark a light show--no geomagnetic storm required.

Stay tuned for more outbursts of light as autumn approaches. Aurora alerts: SMS Text.

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COSMIC RAY YIN-YANG PENDANT: To celebrate the yin-yang relationship between solar activity and galactic cosmic rays, the students of Earth to Sky Calculus just launched a yin-yang pendant to the stratosphere. Here it is, flying 104,265 ft high onboard a cosmic ray research balloon:

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