Stupid Xilinx Rubbish


Andrew Greensted

But seriously, has anyone had any experience (good or bad) programming
xilinx devices over JTAG with third party devices in the chain.

I'm using impact under linux, from the command line. And impact is
having real trouble with an Atmel BSDL file.

I've tried programming a chain with just xilinx devices and it works
fine. As soon as impact has to read a third party BSDL it has a fit and
stops working.

Here's the error

ERROR:iMPACT:1353 - ACD entry PROGRAM_PROGRESS_COUNT not found for device
family ATMEGA128.
EXCEPTION:iMPACT:ConstraintsManager.c:394: - Data not found.

I've tried using the Xilinx generic BSDL file and it gives the same error.

ISE 6.2 (Services Pack 2)
JTAG chain: Atmel AVR -> Xilinx Spartan IIE
Impact batch file:

setMode -bs
setCable -port lpt1
#assignFile -p 1 -file "atmega128.bsd"
addDevice -p 1 -part "atmega128.bsd" # BSD file for AVR
addDevice -p 2 -file "xmemtest.bit" # Bit File for Spartan
program -p 1

If anyone can throw some light on this problem it would be a _REAL_ help.

Many thanks

Andrew Greensted Department of Electronics
Bio-Inspired Engineering University of York, UK

Tel: +44(0)1904 432379 Mailto:
Fax: +44(0)1904 433224 Web:
Think I jumped for the newsgroup too soon there. Spot the deliberate
mistake in the batch file, was trying to program the wrong device.


Andrew Greensted wrote:
But seriously, has anyone had any experience (good or bad) programming
xilinx devices over JTAG with third party devices in the chain.

I'm using impact under linux, from the command line. And impact is
having real trouble with an Atmel BSDL file.

I've tried programming a chain with just xilinx devices and it works
fine. As soon as impact has to read a third party BSDL it has a fit and
stops working.

Here's the error

ERROR:iMPACT:1353 - ACD entry PROGRAM_PROGRESS_COUNT not found for device
family ATMEGA128.
EXCEPTION:iMPACT:ConstraintsManager.c:394: - Data not found.

I've tried using the Xilinx generic BSDL file and it gives the same error.

ISE 6.2 (Services Pack 2)
JTAG chain: Atmel AVR -> Xilinx Spartan IIE
Impact batch file:

setMode -bs
setCable -port lpt1
#assignFile -p 1 -file "atmega128.bsd"
addDevice -p 1 -part "atmega128.bsd" # BSD file for AVR
addDevice -p 2 -file "xmemtest.bit" # Bit File for Spartan
program -p 1

If anyone can throw some light on this problem it would be a _REAL_ help.

Many thanks

Andrew Greensted Department of Electronics
Bio-Inspired Engineering University of York, UK

Tel: +44(0)1904 432379 Mailto:
Fax: +44(0)1904 433224 Web:
On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 10:13:39 +0100, Andrew Greensted
<> wrote:
But seriously, has anyone had any experience (good or bad) programming
xilinx devices over JTAG with third party devices in the chain.
I don't know why your setup fails, but I'm having good luck with a
three-device chain: Xilinx CPLD - Xilinx Virtex II - Analog Devices
ADSP-2196. I'm using ISE 6.2, iMPACT, and a Xilinx Parallel Cable IV.

I inserted '>' characters to reduce newsreader line-wrap problems.

Here's my iMPACT script:
setMode -bscan
setCable -port lpt1
addDevice -p 1 -file mycpld.jed
addDevice -p 2 -file xc2v250.bsd
addDevice -p 3 -file adsp2196m.bsd
program -e -p 1
Here's my adsp2196m.bsd:
entity generated_adsp2196m is
generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "X_PACKAGE");
port (TCK: in bit; TDI: in bit; TDO: out bit; TMS: in bit);
use STD_1149_1_2001.all;
attribute Component_Conformance of adsp2196m : entity is "STD_1149_1_2001";
attribute PIN_MAP of adsp2196m : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;
constant X_PACKAGE:pIN_MAP_STRING := "TCK : 1," & "TDI : 2," & "TDO : 3," & "TMS : 4";
attribute Tap_Scan_In of TDI: signal is true;
attribute Tap_Scan_Mode of TMS: signal is true;
attribute Tap_Scan_Out of TDO: signal is true;
attribute Tap_Scan_Clock of TCK: signal is (1.0e06, BOTH);
attribute Instruction_Length of adsp2196m: entity is 5;
attribute Instruction_Opcode of adsp2196m: entity is "BYPASS (11111)";
attribute Instruction_Capture of adsp2196m: entity is "XXX01";
attribute Boundary_Length of adsp2196m: entity is 1;
attribute Boundary_Register of adsp2196m: entity is "0 (BC_1, *, control, 0)";
end adsp2196m;

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