How can we represent the following line in Verilog?
type STR4_ARRAY is array (2 downto 0) of string(1 to 4);
Actually its a part of a VHDL tb code. It seems that the owner of the
code has used "type" to declare the strings which are basically state
mnemonics. He also displays the string in the waveforms. He is also
doing some encodings from these strings.
Is same kind of operation possible using Verilog? When I try to do
something like
reg [8*4:0] string ; ---> It just gives me the ascii value not the
type STR4_ARRAY is array (2 downto 0) of string(1 to 4);
Actually its a part of a VHDL tb code. It seems that the owner of the
code has used "type" to declare the strings which are basically state
mnemonics. He also displays the string in the waveforms. He is also
doing some encodings from these strings.
Is same kind of operation possible using Verilog? When I try to do
something like
reg [8*4:0] string ; ---> It just gives me the ascii value not the