Krzysztof Szczepanski
I have a problem with Stratix's PLLs.
I want to feed input of Enhanced PLL from Fast PLL and Enhanced PLL form
Enhanced PLL.
CLK input -> Fast PLL -> Enhanced PLL -> PLL output
-> other logic
CLK input -> Enhanced PLL -> Enhanced PLL -> PLL output
-> other logic
Is this two configuration possible to achieve in EP1S25 device?
Quartus 3 signalize errors when I am trying to do that:
"Error: inclk0 port of PLL
interface_block_hes:INB|hes_plla:u2|altpll:altpll_component|pll must be
driven by a non-inverted input pin or, in a fast PLL, the output of a PLL".
I have a problem with Stratix's PLLs.
I want to feed input of Enhanced PLL from Fast PLL and Enhanced PLL form
Enhanced PLL.
CLK input -> Fast PLL -> Enhanced PLL -> PLL output
-> other logic
CLK input -> Enhanced PLL -> Enhanced PLL -> PLL output
-> other logic
Is this two configuration possible to achieve in EP1S25 device?
Quartus 3 signalize errors when I am trying to do that:
"Error: inclk0 port of PLL
interface_block_hes:INB|hes_plla:u2|altpll:altpll_component|pll must be
driven by a non-inverted input pin or, in a fast PLL, the output of a PLL".