This is just a question for curiosity.
I have a Magnavox 12 or 14" CRT tv with built-in VCR. I guess that
means it's about 20? years old. Maybe it's generation can be judged
by the fact it also gives the choice of English or Spanish when first
plugged in.
I don't have the remote.
Often, when I push the Volume Down button, instead it lowers the
channel, from 3 to AV. I think the on-screen volume display
disappears then, so I use Channel Up to go back to channel 3, and then
again try Volume Down, with the same result.
If I hold Volume Up for a while, Volume Down usually works, so this is
not a major problem, but how is this problem possible?
Is this related: I have a Huaweii (sp?) smart phone that I dropped
from 2 or 3 feet on to a ceramic tile floor. After that, when the
phone is turned on, instead of the AT&T logo that used to show first,
instead the first screen is all green background, with one big red and
one big blue rectangle on it. But the next logo shows up and it
starts and every feature that I try to use works. What happened?
Did I bounce some electrons around.
I have a Magnavox 12 or 14" CRT tv with built-in VCR. I guess that
means it's about 20? years old. Maybe it's generation can be judged
by the fact it also gives the choice of English or Spanish when first
plugged in.
I don't have the remote.
Often, when I push the Volume Down button, instead it lowers the
channel, from 3 to AV. I think the on-screen volume display
disappears then, so I use Channel Up to go back to channel 3, and then
again try Volume Down, with the same result.
If I hold Volume Up for a while, Volume Down usually works, so this is
not a major problem, but how is this problem possible?
Is this related: I have a Huaweii (sp?) smart phone that I dropped
from 2 or 3 feet on to a ceramic tile floor. After that, when the
phone is turned on, instead of the AT&T logo that used to show first,
instead the first screen is all green background, with one big red and
one big blue rectangle on it. But the next logo shows up and it
starts and every feature that I try to use works. What happened?
Did I bounce some electrons around.