John Larkin
I have a 48 volt power supply and I want to drive a lot of relays and
uPs and FPGAs and stuff, so I figured I'd knock it down to 12 volts
We have LM2567HV-ADJ in stock, a 52 KHz Simple Switcher probably
designed by druids during the last ice age. Figured I'd breadboard the
reg just for fun. A boy gets tired of typing all day.
Works pretty well, actually. Nothing gets very warm at 1 amp out.
Yes, that unshielded drum core will spray field everywhere, but then I
am simulating alternators.
uPs and FPGAs and stuff, so I figured I'd knock it down to 12 volts
We have LM2567HV-ADJ in stock, a 52 KHz Simple Switcher probably
designed by druids during the last ice age. Figured I'd breadboard the
reg just for fun. A boy gets tired of typing all day.
Works pretty well, actually. Nothing gets very warm at 1 amp out.
Yes, that unshielded drum core will spray field everywhere, but then I
am simulating alternators.