Bret Cahill
The thermodynamic limits of some batteries' energy densities seem to
be on par with liquid fuel.
Someone needs to at least proffer _some_ reasoning on why the reality
is so much lower.
After all, any turbo engineer at GE can quantify the losses to at
least the nearest 1% as to why they get less than half Carnot
efficiency from gas turbines.
Any wind turbine engineer at GE can explain why they are only getting
2/3rds the Betz limits.
Even some bio algae folk are making claims of 5,000 gallons / acre -
year limits.
Why OH why is battery research still staggering around in the dark
when it comes to the limits on battery energy density?
Bret Cahill
be on par with liquid fuel.
Someone needs to at least proffer _some_ reasoning on why the reality
is so much lower.
After all, any turbo engineer at GE can quantify the losses to at
least the nearest 1% as to why they get less than half Carnot
efficiency from gas turbines.
Any wind turbine engineer at GE can explain why they are only getting
2/3rds the Betz limits.
Even some bio algae folk are making claims of 5,000 gallons / acre -
year limits.
Why OH why is battery research still staggering around in the dark
when it comes to the limits on battery energy density?
Bret Cahill