Rick Measham
When I use headphones with my laptop, I get no interference noise at
all. However, once I plug it into either the 'aux' or 'tape monitor' of
my (old) stereo (Yamaha CR200), I get an annoying interference noise
(possibly at 50 cycles, but have no way of testing other than superstition)
I assume this is to do with the monitor card as it will stop when I drag
a window around on the screen. No idea why..
As it doesn't happen with headphones, I assume it has something to do
with noise suppression on the stereo somewhere.
Am I heading down the right track? Is there any way to check? Is it
possible to add noise suppression somewhere?
Rick Measham
all. However, once I plug it into either the 'aux' or 'tape monitor' of
my (old) stereo (Yamaha CR200), I get an annoying interference noise
(possibly at 50 cycles, but have no way of testing other than superstition)
I assume this is to do with the monitor card as it will stop when I drag
a window around on the screen. No idea why..
As it doesn't happen with headphones, I assume it has something to do
with noise suppression on the stereo somewhere.
Am I heading down the right track? Is there any way to check? Is it
possible to add noise suppression somewhere?
Rick Measham