Stereo control button problems

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I have a stereo which also has a radio and builtin CD changer. If I
hit the on button the CD changer draw opens, but then I cannot make it
change CDs and the CDs will not play. I can only listen to the radio
if it is off and I turn it on by selecting the choice between AM/FM. I
am sure it cannot be fixed since it cost around $100 around ten years
ago. I was just wondering what went wrong? Is the "microchip" that
controls it corrupted? Are there "electronic leaks" caused by the age.
Just wondering if anyone had some thoughts.


<> wrote in message
I have a stereo which also has a radio and builtin CD changer. If I
hit the on button the CD changer draw opens, but then I cannot make it
change CDs and the CDs will not play. I can only listen to the radio
if it is off and I turn it on by selecting the choice between AM/FM. I
am sure it cannot be fixed since it cost around $100 around ten years
ago. I was just wondering what went wrong? Is the "microchip" that
controls it corrupted? Are there "electronic leaks" caused by the age.
Just wondering if anyone had some thoughts.


Bad drawer position sense switch ? Bad laser home switch ? The system
control micro will often get confused and stuck in a loop, if some expected
condition is not flagged to it, even if the condition is apparently
physically met i.e. the drawer may appear to be fully open, but if the
system control micro hasn't been 'told' that it is, due to the sense switch
effectively not closing because its contacts are tarnished, it may never go
back to monitoring the front panel button matrix for the next button to be

Although system control micros due occasionally go faulty, it is fairly
rare, and in my experience, most problems that you immediately blame on them
by instinct, turn out to be caused by some simple external problem, such as
a bad switch.

Arfa wrote:

I have a stereo which also has a radio and builtin CD changer. If I
hit the on button the CD changer draw opens, but then I cannot make it
change CDs and the CDs will not play. I can only listen to the radio
if it is off and I turn it on by selecting the choice between AM/FM. I
am sure it cannot be fixed since it cost around $100 around ten years
ago. I was just wondering what went wrong? Is the "microchip" that
controls it corrupted? Are there "electronic leaks" caused by the age.
Just wondering if anyone had some thoughts.


Check the tray open sensor/switch..

It sounds like its still trying to open the tray because
it don't know any better!"
That fixed the problem. I opened the CD draw and pressed or pushed
whatever thing appeared you could push or press, and then the problem
disappeared. I am not sure if it was a switch or not.


<> wrote in message
That fixed the problem. I opened the CD draw and pressed or pushed
whatever thing appeared you could push or press, and then the problem
disappeared. I am not sure if it was a switch or not.


If you could see it and it moved, chances are it's the switch. Wouldn't hurt
for you to squib a spot of good quality switch cleaner / lubricant in it,
and then 'work' it vigourously for a few seconds with the tip of a
screwdriver or whatever you can get in the gap to push it with. Glad you got
a result.


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