I encountered a problem during synthesis and I really hope
I can get your help.
I declared a std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) (inout type) entity port
in my VHDL program. In the testbench, I will try
to assign some value to this port. But after synthesis
using Synopsys Design Compiler, I found this port wouldn't
accept the value from signal assignment in the test bench
and the value of this port becomes "XX".
BTW, even I initialize this port to "ZZZZZZZZ"
in the entity definition, it still doesn't work.
Thanks a lot.
I encountered a problem during synthesis and I really hope
I can get your help.
I declared a std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) (inout type) entity port
in my VHDL program. In the testbench, I will try
to assign some value to this port. But after synthesis
using Synopsys Design Compiler, I found this port wouldn't
accept the value from signal assignment in the test bench
and the value of this port becomes "XX".
BTW, even I initialize this port to "ZZZZZZZZ"
in the entity definition, it still doesn't work.
Thanks a lot.