Static Electricity: Hungry ticks can use this static trick to land on you and your pets...


Fred Bloggs

\"While the distance is tiny, \"it\'s the equivalent of us jumping three or four flights of stairs in one go,\" said study author Sam England, an ecologist now at Berlin\'s Natural History Museum.

So now everyone has drag a grounding rod around with them to do something as mundane as take a walk in nature.
On Tue, 4 Jul 2023 07:58:22 -0700 (PDT), Fred Bloggs
<> wrote:

\"While the distance is tiny, \"it\'s the equivalent of us jumping three or four flights of stairs in one go,\" said study author Sam England, an ecologist now at Berlin\'s Natural History Museum.

So now everyone has drag a grounding rod around with them to do something as mundane as take a walk in nature.

Fish sense e-fields so I expect bugs do too.

I\'ve heard that there are e-fields generated by flowers.

Good book: Finding The Mother Tree.
On Tuesday, July 4, 2023 at 3:56:18 PM UTC-4, John Larkin wrote:
On Tue, 4 Jul 2023 07:58:22 -0700 (PDT), Fred Bloggs> wrote:

\"While the distance is tiny, \"it\'s the equivalent of us jumping three or four flights of stairs in one go,\" said study author Sam England, an ecologist now at Berlin\'s Natural History Museum.

So now everyone has drag a grounding rod around with them to do something as mundane as take a walk in nature.
Fish sense e-fields so I expect bugs do too.

They\'ve been using electric field fish screens to keep invasive species from migrating or to repel fish from valuable infrastructure they can damage like intakes.

As far as I know, the invasive species apps have all been failures.

The infrastructure protection does okay because it\'s only necessary to repel most, not all, of them for passably good results.

I\'ve heard that there are e-fields generated by flowers.

They respond to sound too. Unbelievably garden plants get measurably healthier when you talk to them nicely or pipe classical music at low volume into the garden. Heavy metal kills everything unfortunate enough to be within range.

Good book: Finding The Mother Tree.
On a sunny day (Tue, 04 Jul 2023 12:56:04 -0700) it happened John Larkin
<> wrote in

On Tue, 4 Jul 2023 07:58:22 -0700 (PDT), Fred Bloggs> wrote:

\"While the distance is tiny, \"it\'s the equivalent of us jumping three or four flights of stairs in one go,\" said study author
Sam England, an ecologist now at Berlin\'s Natural History Museum.

So now everyone has drag a grounding rod around with them to do something as mundane as take a walk in nature.

Fish sense e-fields so I expect bugs do too.

I\'ve heard that there are e-fields generated by flowers.

Good book: Finding The Mother Tree.

So maybe we can catch ticks with a high voltage DC generator
and then suck them up with some air flow?

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