David L. Jones
Just an update on Karl von Moller's 3 part Australian electronics doco.
It still going strong on he's still shooting like crazy.
Latest interviewee was Colin Mitchell of Talking Electronics fame:
"Colin Mitchell talked about his career in electronics, being raided by
police for his FM Bugs, publishing/teaching & selling kits!"
You can follow the progress of the doco on Karl's Twitter feed:
and frequenct updates on various tibbits of Oz electronics history and
innovation on his other channel:
No release date yet, but the 3rd episode edit is finished.
He also hopes to release individual extended length interviews.
It still going strong on he's still shooting like crazy.
Latest interviewee was Colin Mitchell of Talking Electronics fame:
"Colin Mitchell talked about his career in electronics, being raided by
police for his FM Bugs, publishing/teaching & selling kits!"
You can follow the progress of the doco on Karl's Twitter feed:
and frequenct updates on various tibbits of Oz electronics history and
innovation on his other channel:
No release date yet, but the 3rd episode edit is finished.
He also hopes to release individual extended length interviews.