I in need of someone to design a fairly basic circuit explained below.
If you can design it, please email me a price quote. I think a
programmed STAMP type circuit is needed, but feel free to quote
whatever you think would work best for the requirements listed.
Here is what I need:
1. I plan to use 2 photoelectric cells and a stepper motor. Lets call
the photoelectric cells X1 and X2.
2. The circuit needs to constantly compare the voltage between X1 and
X2 and if X1 is higher than X2 then move stepper motor
counterclockwise. If voltage X2 is higher than X1 then move motor
clockwise. If the difference between voltage X1 and X2 is almost the
same (within a certain range) then do nothing. I am not sure what the
proper 'range' is yet for my needs. So this 'range' must be able to
be adjusted by me as the project progresses.
If you can design such a circuit and explain to me in English how to
build it (I can't read electronic schematics that well) then please
email me a price quote.
Or, if you know where I may find such a circuit already designed, or
if you know someone who can design it, such information would be
greatly appreciated also.
Thank you,
Joe Gayetty
Reno, PA
I in need of someone to design a fairly basic circuit explained below.
If you can design it, please email me a price quote. I think a
programmed STAMP type circuit is needed, but feel free to quote
whatever you think would work best for the requirements listed.
Here is what I need:
1. I plan to use 2 photoelectric cells and a stepper motor. Lets call
the photoelectric cells X1 and X2.
2. The circuit needs to constantly compare the voltage between X1 and
X2 and if X1 is higher than X2 then move stepper motor
counterclockwise. If voltage X2 is higher than X1 then move motor
clockwise. If the difference between voltage X1 and X2 is almost the
same (within a certain range) then do nothing. I am not sure what the
proper 'range' is yet for my needs. So this 'range' must be able to
be adjusted by me as the project progresses.
If you can design such a circuit and explain to me in English how to
build it (I can't read electronic schematics that well) then please
email me a price quote.
Or, if you know where I may find such a circuit already designed, or
if you know someone who can design it, such information would be
greatly appreciated also.
Thank you,
Joe Gayetty
Reno, PA