The FIFO(addr_cntrl_fifo_inst) has two completely irrelevant clocks,
say Clock A(trn_clk_c) and Clock B(DDR2_CLK0). The frequency of Clock
A is 250MHz(Period: 4ns), and Clock B is 266MHz(Period: 3.75ns). Now
the problem comes when performing STA. The Timing Analyzer reports
Slack: -10.394ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew +
Source: addr_cntrl_fifo_inst/BU2/U0/grf.rf/mem/gdm.dm/Mram_RAM8_RAMC
Destination: addr_cntrl_fifo_inst/BU2/U0/grf.rf/mem/gdm.dm/dout_i_23
Requirement: 0.250ns
Data Path Delay: 2.008ns (Levels of Logic = 0)
Clock Path Skew: -8.259ns (3.005 - 11.264)
Source Clock: trn_clk_c rising at 56.000ns
Destination Clock: DDR2_CLK0 rising at 56.250ns
For certain path crossing the different clock domains, the auto
constraints turned out to be 0.25ns (4ns 3.75ns). This is impossible
to achieve.
What should I do to pass the STA?
say Clock A(trn_clk_c) and Clock B(DDR2_CLK0). The frequency of Clock
A is 250MHz(Period: 4ns), and Clock B is 266MHz(Period: 3.75ns). Now
the problem comes when performing STA. The Timing Analyzer reports
Slack: -10.394ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew +
Source: addr_cntrl_fifo_inst/BU2/U0/grf.rf/mem/gdm.dm/Mram_RAM8_RAMC
Destination: addr_cntrl_fifo_inst/BU2/U0/grf.rf/mem/gdm.dm/dout_i_23
Requirement: 0.250ns
Data Path Delay: 2.008ns (Levels of Logic = 0)
Clock Path Skew: -8.259ns (3.005 - 11.264)
Source Clock: trn_clk_c rising at 56.000ns
Destination Clock: DDR2_CLK0 rising at 56.250ns
For certain path crossing the different clock domains, the auto
constraints turned out to be 0.25ns (4ns 3.75ns). This is impossible
to achieve.
What should I do to pass the STA?