Sssst - HOT!

  • Thread starter Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun
  • Start date

Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun

One of the guys at work brought his clone PC in to see what was wrong
with it. It's a 1.3 GHz AMD CPU. Turned out that the CPU heatsink
fell off. The chip got so hot that its paper label turned brown!
Sssst HOT! Yoww!

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Subject: line with other stuff. alondra101 <at>
Don't be ripped off by the big book dealers. Go to the URL
that will give you a choice and save you money(up to half). You'll be glad you did!
Just when you thought you had all this figured out, the gov't
changed it:
Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun, Dark Remover" <> wrote:

: One of the guys at work brought his clone PC in to see what was wrong
: with it. It's a 1.3 GHz AMD CPU. Turned out that the CPU heatsink
: fell off. The chip got so hot that its paper label turned brown!
: Sssst HOT! Yoww!

Scroll down or
for breakfast off an Athlon XP1500+ :)
In article <>, mentioned...
Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun, Dark Remover" <> wrote:

: One of the guys at work brought his clone PC in to see what was wrong
: with it. It's a 1.3 GHz AMD CPU. Turned out that the CPU heatsink
: fell off. The chip got so hot that its paper label turned brown!
: Sssst HOT! Yoww!

Scroll down or
for breakfast off an Athlon XP1500+ :)
Pretty impressive. What wasn't said was that when you put something
with water in it on the heatsink, when it gets up to 100 C or 212 F,
the water starts to boil and the steam will keep the temp from rising.
So the chip wouldn't get any hotter than 100C for awhile, until the
egg burned to a crisp.

###Got a Question about ELECTRONICS? Check HERE First:###
My email address is whitelisted. *All* email sent to it
goes directly to the trash unless you add NOSPAM in the
Subject: line with other stuff. alondra101 <at>
Don't be ripped off by the big book dealers. Go to the URL
that will give you a choice and save you money(up to half). You'll be glad you did!
Just when you thought you had all this figured out, the gov't
changed it:
On Sun, 14 Dec 2003 17:31:31 +1300, Ross Matheson <> wrote:

Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun, Dark Remover" <> wrote:

: One of the guys at work brought his clone PC in to see what was wrong
: with it. It's a 1.3 GHz AMD CPU. Turned out that the CPU heatsink
: fell off. The chip got so hot that its paper label turned brown!
: Sssst HOT! Yoww!

Scroll down or
for breakfast off an Athlon XP1500+ :)
How about celery soup, cooked on a Celeron? :%)

Maybe I should ask Radio Shack. They claim they've got answers;
but frankly, if Radio Shack were our provider, we'd _really_ be in
trouble now, wouldn't we?
In article <>,
On Sun, 14 Dec 2003 17:31:31 +1300, Ross Matheson <> wrote:

Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun, Dark Remover" <> wrote:

: One of the guys at work brought his clone PC in to see what was wrong
: with it. It's a 1.3 GHz AMD CPU. Turned out that the CPU heatsink
: fell off. The chip got so hot that its paper label turned brown!
: Sssst HOT! Yoww!

Scroll down or
for breakfast off an Athlon XP1500+ :)

How about celery soup, cooked on a Celeron? :%)
If celery soupe is cooked on a celeron, I'd hate to think what's
cooked on an Athlon! :eek:)

###Got a Question about ELECTRONICS? Check HERE First:###
My email address is whitelisted. *All* email sent to it
goes directly to the trash unless you add NOSPAM in the
Subject: line with other stuff. alondra101 <at>
Don't be ripped off by the big book dealers. Go to the URL
that will give you a choice and save you money(up to half). You'll be glad you did!
Just when you thought you had all this figured out, the gov't
changed it:
"Watson A.Name - Watt Sun, Dark Remover" <>
wrote in message
: In article <>,
: NO.SPAM.gyrgrlsTHIS.MAILBOX.IS.CLOSED@gyrogearloose.comINVALID
: mentioned...
: > On Sun, 14 Dec 2003 17:31:31 +1300, Ross Matheson
<> wrote:
: >
: > >Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun, Dark Remover"
<> wrote:
: > >
: > >: One of the guys at work brought his clone PC in to see
what was wrong
: > >: with it. It's a 1.3 GHz AMD CPU. Turned out that the CPU
: > >: fell off. The chip got so hot that its paper label turned
: > >: Sssst HOT! Yoww!
: > >
: > >Scroll down
: > > or
: > >
: > >for breakfast off an Athlon XP1500+ :)
: >
: > How about celery soup, cooked on a Celeron? :%)
: If celery soupe is cooked on a celeron, I'd hate to think
: cooked on an Athlon! :eek:)

Apple THauce??? ;-)

Bill @ GarberStreet Enterprizez };-)
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Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun, Dark Remover" <> wrote:

: In article <>,
: mentioned...
: > Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun, Dark Remover" <> wrote:
: >
: > : One of the guys at work brought his clone PC in to see what was wrong
: > : with it. It's a 1.3 GHz AMD CPU. Turned out that the CPU heatsink
: > : fell off. The chip got so hot that its paper label turned brown!
: > : Sssst HOT! Yoww!
: >
: > Scroll down
: > or
: >
: > for breakfast off an Athlon XP1500+ :)
: Pretty impressive. What wasn't said was that when you put something
: with water in it on the heatsink, when it gets up to 100 C or 212 F,
: the water starts to boil and the steam will keep the temp from rising.
: So the chip wouldn't get any hotter than 100C for awhile, until the
: egg burned to a crisp.

Actually I thought it was pretty silly, but your post reminded me of
having come across it in the past and so I dug it up for the giggle:)

However, your post is a little confusing - he doesn't mention or show
putting any water in the "pan" (or butter or oil for that matter), and
"something with water in it" is very general or imprecise* ... do you mean
the fact that the egg is "watery" will limit the temp? Self-poached egg?
Actually he shows a tub of margarine but doesn't mention it, and the tray
looks plain with the freshly cracked egg, while the finished egg on bread
(no marge or butter there either!) looks slightly crisped at the edges.

*Think of the temp a sugar solution will reach ... or the lowered boiling
point of a salt solution ... both "something with water in it";-)

Anyway, this is embarrassingly 'OT;-) (although that's OK, & not unusual!)

In a token effort to include some on-topic thoughts, I was ruminating over
that "ledaccelerator" 'concept' in other threads, and found myself
browsing pages on laser diodes with built-in peltier devices, and
wondering if this could work for LEDs too ... he does mention "cooling".

It seems to me the guy is only stringing ideas together. TEC & PWM?

Sent from a lowly PII 233 ... my 4MB video card chip gets hotter!
In article <>, mentioned...
Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun, Dark Remover" <> wrote:

: In article <>,
: mentioned...
: > Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun, Dark Remover" <> wrote:
: > : One of the guys at work brought his clone PC in to see what was wrong
: > : with it. It's a 1.3 GHz AMD CPU. Turned out that the CPU heatsink
: > : fell off. The chip got so hot that its paper label turned brown!
: > : Sssst HOT! Yoww!
: > Scroll down
: > or
: >
: > for breakfast off an Athlon XP1500+ :)
: Pretty impressive. What wasn't said was that when you put something
: with water in it on the heatsink, when it gets up to 100 C or 212 F,
: the water starts to boil and the steam will keep the temp from rising.
: So the chip wouldn't get any hotter than 100C for awhile, until the
: egg burned to a crisp.

Actually I thought it was pretty silly, but your post reminded me of
having come across it in the past and so I dug it up for the giggle:)

However, your post is a little confusing - he doesn't mention or show
putting any water in the "pan" (or butter or oil for that matter), and
"something with water in it" is very general or imprecise* ... do you mean
the fact that the egg is "watery" will limit the temp? Self-poached egg?
Actually he shows a tub of margarine but doesn't mention it, and the tray
looks plain with the freshly cracked egg, while the finished egg on bread
(no marge or butter there either!) looks slightly crisped at the edges.

*Think of the temp a sugar solution will reach ... or the lowered boiling
point of a salt solution ... both "something with water in it";-)

Anyway, this is embarrassingly 'OT;-) (although that's OK, & not unusual!)
Well, CPUs are components... And they do get hot and need heatsinks.

I've noticed the volume of posts has fallen. Must be everyone's out

In a token effort to include some on-topic thoughts, I was ruminating over
that "ledaccelerator" 'concept' in other threads, and found myself
browsing pages on laser diodes with built-in peltier devices, and
wondering if this could work for LEDs too ... he does mention "cooling".

It seems to me the guy is only stringing ideas together. TEC & PWM?

Sent from a lowly PII 233 ... my 4MB video card chip gets hotter!
###Got a Question about ELECTRONICS? Check HERE First:###
My email address is whitelisted. *All* email sent to it
goes directly to the trash unless you add NOSPAM in the
Subject: line with other stuff. alondra101 <at>
Don't be ripped off by the big book dealers. Go to the URL
that will give you a choice and save you money(up to half). You'll be glad you did!
Just when you thought you had all this figured out, the gov't
changed it:

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