Chris Connelly

Please excuse the probable simplicity of this question.

I'm trying to use ROL and SRL logical operators and I can't seem to
find the correct syntax.

I have a bit_vector(31 downto 0) called 'tx' , now all I want to do is
rotate the vector to the left and pick of bit(0).
As I said I've tried a few arrangements ie. tx ROL 1 and ROL tx but
nothing seems to work.

Can someone let me know what the syntax is to do this simple task.


entity test is
port (A : in bit_vector(31 downto 0);
p : in integer;
B : out bit_vector(31 downto 0));
end test;

architecture behavior of test is

B <= A Rol p;
end behavior;

Egbert Molenkamp

"Chris Connelly" <> wrote in message
Please excuse the probable simplicity of this question.

I'm trying to use ROL and SRL logical operators and I can't seem to
find the correct syntax.

I have a bit_vector(31 downto 0) called 'tx' , now all I want to do is
rotate the vector to the left and pick of bit(0).
As I said I've tried a few arrangements ie. tx ROL 1 and ROL tx but
nothing seems to work.

Can someone let me know what the syntax is to do this simple task.


Chris Connelly wrote:

I'm trying to use ROL and SRL logical operators and I can't seem to
find the correct syntax.

I have a bit_vector(31 downto 0) called 'tx' , now all I want to do is
rotate the vector to the left and pick of bit(0).
As I said I've tried a few arrangements ie. tx ROL 1 and ROL tx but
nothing seems to work.
tx_rolled(31 downto 0) <= tx(0) & tx (31 downto 1);

works indipendent from used libraries, but is fixed as can bee seen.

Ralf (Chris Connelly) wrote in message news:<>...
Please excuse the probable simplicity of this question.

I'm trying to use ROL and SRL logical operators and I can't seem to
find the correct syntax.

I have a bit_vector(31 downto 0) called 'tx' , now all I want to do is
rotate the vector to the left and pick of bit(0).
As I said I've tried a few arrangements ie. tx ROL 1 and ROL tx but
nothing seems to work.
Consider using rotate_left from the
ieee.numeric_std library as shown below.

-- Mike Treseler


library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity rotate is
-- Mike Treseler Tue Aug 3 09:52:10 2004

generic (len : positive := 32);

port (clk : in std_ulogic;
rst : in std_ulogic;
rot : in std_ulogic; -- rotate or init
tx : out std_ulogic);

end entity rotate;

architecture synth of rotate is

begin -- architecture sim
sh : process (clk, rst) is
variable tx_v : unsigned(len-1 downto 0);
begin -- process sh
if rst = '1' then
tx_v := (others => '0');
tx <= tx_v(0);
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if rot = '1' then
tx_v := rotate_left(tx_v, 1); -- rotate data
tx <= tx_v(0); -- pick off bit 0
tx_v := x"13701248"; -- init data
end if;
end if;
end process sh;

end architecture synth;

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