Michael Robinson
Let's say I have a sinusoidal signal that I put through an RC low pass
filter with the primary goal of shifting the phase.
sine in ---R---+---- out
The frequency isn't set in stone but I know what it will be within say a
factor of two. I choose my resistor and capacitor values so that the RC
constant is an order of magnitude greater than the reciprocal of what I
estimate will be my signal's angular frequency. This will give me a phase
delay a little less than 90 degrees and attenuate my signal by a factor
between 5 and 20. Correct?
Now I want to square up the sinusoidal output of the RC filter. What's the
best way to do this? I looked at datasheets for 4046 PLL chips. Those
chips can be used with sinusoidal or digital inputs, but only with a
digital input can you get exact phase locking. If you're following a
sinusoidal signal the phase can be off as much as 90 degrees in either
direction. At least that's how I interpreted the datasheets. And I don't
want that.
So I'm looking for a way to square up the output of the RC filter in some
way that won't introduce a delay (nor load the RC filter). If there's a
chip that will do this, off the top of my head I'd say a few tens of
nanoseconds propagation time might be acceptable. This signal I'm dressing
up is likely going to be somewhere on the order of 100 kHz.
If I can get it squared up I won't need a PLL. The signal will be just the
phase I need and go directly to a half-bridge driver.
That's the story, anyway.
Posted through http://www.Electronics-Related.com
filter with the primary goal of shifting the phase.
sine in ---R---+---- out
The frequency isn't set in stone but I know what it will be within say a
factor of two. I choose my resistor and capacitor values so that the RC
constant is an order of magnitude greater than the reciprocal of what I
estimate will be my signal's angular frequency. This will give me a phase
delay a little less than 90 degrees and attenuate my signal by a factor
between 5 and 20. Correct?
Now I want to square up the sinusoidal output of the RC filter. What's the
best way to do this? I looked at datasheets for 4046 PLL chips. Those
chips can be used with sinusoidal or digital inputs, but only with a
digital input can you get exact phase locking. If you're following a
sinusoidal signal the phase can be off as much as 90 degrees in either
direction. At least that's how I interpreted the datasheets. And I don't
want that.
So I'm looking for a way to square up the output of the RC filter in some
way that won't introduce a delay (nor load the RC filter). If there's a
chip that will do this, off the top of my head I'd say a few tens of
nanoseconds propagation time might be acceptable. This signal I'm dressing
up is likely going to be somewhere on the order of 100 kHz.
If I can get it squared up I won't need a PLL. The signal will be just the
phase I need and go directly to a half-bridge driver.
That's the story, anyway.
Posted through http://www.Electronics-Related.com