Spook robs dog owner and gets bit by dawg


Mike Gross


A mugging victim's dog "took a bite outta crime" Saturday night,
chomping down on the suspect's leg as he ran away with the dog owner's

The incident happened at about 8:45 p.m. Saturday in Elver Park on the
city's southwest side, Madison police said.

According to the police report, the 31-year-old Madison man was running
with his 70-pound dog on a bike path near a bridge in the park, when he
heard footsteps behind him.

"Then he felt an object being pushed into his lower back," said police
spokesman Joel DeSpain. "The robber told him not to be stupid as he
groped around in the victim's pockets."

The suspect took the wallet and was about to run when the dog chomped
down on the mugger's leg.

"He was still able to get away," DeSpain said.

The suspect is a black male, 30-35 years old, 5 feet, 7 inches to 5
feet, 10 inches tall, short hair, wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans.

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