Spicy Schematics for iPad



Hello everyone .. I wanted to let you know about a new application
that just got approved for the app store, it is the first iPad app for
creating circuit schematics! The best part is that it outputs Hspice
formatted netlists from the schematics your design, and you can email
those netlists to yourself or coworkers! The app also includes free
access to the unique Spicy Schematics Online Circuit Library, where
you can upload and download circuit schematics - a great way to share
modules and designs! This is a revolution in circuit design and just
what engineers and students who use the iPad have been waiting for ...
it is currently only for iPad but coming soon to Android as well! ...
check it out:
<a href="http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/spicy-schematics/id434107624?
mt=8&ls=1">Download on Itunes</a> http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/spicy-schematics/id434107624?mt=8&amp;ls=1
<a href="ischematics.com">ischematics.com</a>

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