spice3 Fedora x64 graphics problems


Cecil Aswell

I recently tried compiling spice3F5 for an athlon x64 machine using
Fedora Core 3 and ran into problems with X11 plotting. The same source
code works just fine when compiled with Fedora Core 3 for the i386. fine.

The problem seems to be associated with the blocking "select" function
call around in function X11_Input() at around line 956 in fte/x11.c. In
particular, when a vector is plotted it does not respond to mouse
actions until some keyboard input is received in the console window. At
that point everything that was supposed to have happened get printed out
on the console. It's as if an event queue is not getting emptied at the
right time.

Being a circuit designer and not a programmer I've reached the limits of
my abilities on resolving this one.

Has anyone encountered this and more importantly, does anyone have a fix?

Please post to the news group or else remove the numerals from my email
address to respond via email.


Cecil Aswell

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