SPICE benchmarks?


Chaos Master

Anybody here ever did benchmarks with various SPICE's [i.e. to compare
E-mail address is fake. Please reply to the group!
"Mike Engelhardt" <pmte@concentric.net> wrote in message

Anybody here ever did benchmarks with various
SPICE's [i.e. to compare speed]?

The closest thing to a standard is something called
the MCNC benchmark suite. It's a collection of
difficult-to-solve circuits. I use it as part of
the basis for a regression test for LTspice releases
since many people have the circuits and run them.
These are IC transistor level simulations using
mostly obsolete device types(MOS2 and MOS3), so it
the benchmark suite doesn't really relate to the
way anyone uses a SPICE program these days(A more
widely relevant benchmark suite would use BSIM3
MOSFET's). If you're interested, here's a zip file
containing the files I use:

I know some vendors use the CircuitSim90 benchmarks, which are here,


and by following the links, you'll find quite a few other sets too.

Tim Stinchcombe

Cheltenham, Glos, UK

Anybody here ever did benchmarks with various
SPICE's [i.e. to compare speed]?

The closest thing to a standard is something called
the MCNC benchmark suite. It's a collection of
difficult-to-solve circuits. I use it as part of
the basis for a regression test for LTspice releases
since many people have the circuits and run them.
These are IC transistor level simulations using
mostly obsolete device types(MOS2 and MOS3), so it
the benchmark suite doesn't really relate to the
way anyone uses a SPICE program these days(A more
widely relevant benchmark suite would use BSIM3
MOSFET's). If you're interested, here's a zip file
containing the files I use:


Add here are todays run times(lower times are better).
I've included another popular simulator for reference.

LTspice PSpice
2.05y 9.2.3
e1480.cir 0.250 (fails)

What does "e1480.cir (fails)" mean?
When I run that deck, I get the error message:

ERROR -- Convergence problem in transient analysis at Time = 25.08E-09
Time step = 150.2E-21, minimum allowable step size = 200.0E-21

Attached is the exact deck I used.


---- snip ----

*file: c1480.ckt - flip flop characterization
..model nnl1 nmos vto=0.0 level=2 rd=.769
+ rs=.769 cgso=9.05e-12 cgdo=9.05e-12
+ cgbo=0.0 cbd=5.43e-8 cbs=5.43e-8
+ tox=.70e-5 pb=.900 js=3.82e-11
+ nsub=3.852e16 nss=2.77e10 nfs=1e9
+ xj=2.0e-4 ld=0.0 uo=540
+ ucrit=1.0e5 uexp=.18 utra=.3
+ kf=0. af=1. fc=.5
..model pnl1 pmos vto=0.0 level=2 rd=9.74
+ rs=9.74 cgso=14.76e-12 cgdo=14.76e-12
+ cgbo=0.0 cbd=1.86e-8 cbs=1.86e-8
+ tox=.70e-5 pb=.900 js=3.82e-11
+ nsub=3.87e15 nss=2.77e10 nfs=1e9
+ xj=2.0e-4 ld=0.0 uo=251
+ ucrit=1.0e5 uexp=.2415 utra=.3
+ kf=0. af=1.0 fc=.5
..model nnl2 nmos vto=0.0 level=2 rd=.769
+ rs=.769 cgso=9.05e-12 cgdo=9.05e-12
+ cgbo=0.0 cbd=5.43e-8 cbs=5.43e-8
+ tox=.70e-5 pb=.900 js=3.82e-11
+ nsub=3.852e16 nss=2.77e10 nfs=1e9
+ xj=2.0e-4 ld=0.0 uo=540
+ ucrit=1.0e5 uexp=.18 utra=.3
+ kf=0. af=1. fc=.5
..model pnl2 pmos vto=0.0 level=2 rd=9.74
+ rs=9.74 cgso=14.76e-12 cgdo=14.76e-12
+ cgbo=0.0 cbd=1.86e-8 cbs=1.86e-8
+ tox=.70e-5 pb=.900 js=3.82e-11
+ nsub=3.87e15 nss=2.77e10 nfs=1e9
+ xj=2.0e-4 ld=0.0 uo=251
+ ucrit=1.0e5 uexp=.2415 utra=.3
+ kf=0. af=1.0 fc=.5
..model dnpw d cjo=5.43e-8 vj=.500
..model dppn d cjo=1.86e-8 vj=.500
..subckt c9070 1 2 3
dppn1 4 1 dppn 2.40e-5
dppn2 8 1 dppn 7.17e-6
dpwn 6 1 dppn 9.99e-6
dnpw 0 3 dnpw 1.24e-5
cm1 2 0 .445pf
r1 2 4 610
r2 4 5 610
r3 5 6 125
r4 6 7 125
r5 7 8 143
r6 8 3 143
..subckt c1480 1 2 3 4 13 5 6
mp1 49 3 51 50 pnl1 w=1.63mil l=.174mil ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp2 34 3 32 33 pnl1 w=1.63mil l=.174mil ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp3 54 12 52 53 pnl1 w=1.63mil l=.174mil ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp4 58 4 56 57 pnl1 w=1.63mil l=.174mil ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp5 80 13 81 82 pnl2 w=1.63mil l=.174mil ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp6 42 28 44 43 pnl2 w=1.63mil l=.174mil ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp7 37 19 39 38 pnl2 w=1.63mil l=.174mil ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp8 63 19 61 62 pnl2 w=1.63mil l=.174mil ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp9 85 65 83 84 pnl2 w=1.63mil l=.174mil ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp10 89 13 87 88 pnl2 w=1.63mil l=.174mil ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp11 77 6 79 78 pnl1 w=1.63mil l=.174mil ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp12 73 4 75 74 pnl1 w=1.63mil l=.174mil ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp13 69 3 67 68 pnl1 w=1.63mil l=.174mil ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mn1 21 3 23 22 nnl1 w=1.13mil l=.174mil ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn2 10 19 8 9 nnl2 w=1.13mil l=.174mil ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn3 26 12 24 25 nnl1 w=1.13mil l=.174mil ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn4 30 4 92 91 nnl1 w=1.13mil l=.174mil ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn5 98 13 100 99 nnl2 w=1.13mil l=.174mil ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn6 95 28 93 94 nnl2 w=1.13mil l=.174mil ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn7 16 3 14 15 nnl1 w=1.13mil l=.174mil ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn8 112 3 114 113 nnl1 w=1.13mil l=.174mil ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn9 103 65 101 102 nnl2 w=1.13mil l=.174mil ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn10 107 13 109 108 nnl2 w=1.13mil l=.174mil ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn11 128 6 130 129 nnl1 w=1.13mil l=.174mil ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn12 124 4 122 123 nnl1 w=1.13mil l=.174mil ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn13 120 19 118 119 nnl2 w=1.13mil l=.174mil ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
dpd2 2 1 dppn 4.44e-7
dpcl3 3 1 dppn 4.44e-7
dps4 4 1 dppn 4.44e-7
dpq5 5 1 dppn 4.44e-7
dpq6 6 1 dppn 4.44e-7
dsn2 0 7 dnpw 6.40e-6
ddn2 0 11 dnpw 1.41e-5
dsn7 0 131 dnpw 9.40e-6
ddn7 0 17 dnpw 6.40e-6
ddn8 0 111 dnpw 1.41e-5
dsn8 0 115 dnpw 2.43e-5
dsn13 0 117 dnpw 4.29e-6
ddn13 0 121 dnpw 1.15e-5
ddn12 0 125 dnpw 1.684e-5
ddn11 0 127 dnpw 1.684e-5
ddn1 0 20 dnpw 6.40e-6
ddn3 0 27 dnpw 2.03e-5
ddn4 0 29 dnpw 3.59e-6
ddn6 0 96 dnpw 3.69e-6
ddn5 0 97 dnpw 1.47e-5
ddn9 0 104 dnpw 1.22e-5
ddn10 0 106 dnpw 1.73e-5
dsp2 31 1 dppn 1.64e-5
ddp2 35 1 dppn 1.17e-5
dsp7 36 1 dppn 5.03e-6
ddp7 40 1 dppn 1.32e-5
dsp6 41 1 dppn 5.66e-6
ddp6 45 1 dppn 1.49e-5
ddp5 47 1 dppn 1.49e-5
ddp9 86 1 dppn 1.99e-5
ddp10 90 1 dppn 1.08e-5
ddp1 48 1 dppn 9.05e-6
ddp3 55 1 dppn 1.78e-5
ddp4 59 1 dppn 7.39e-6
dsp8 60 1 dppn 1.43e-5
ddp8 64 1 dppn 6.29e-6
dsp13 66 1 dppn 6.29e-6
ddp13 70 1 dppn 1.47e-5
dsp12 72 1 dppn 4.89e-6
ddp11 76 1 dppn 1.39e-5
ddr13 13 1 dppn 4.44e-7
cmd2 2 0 .066pf
cmcl3 3 0 .816pf
cms4 4 0 .641pf
cmq5 5 0 .054pf
cmq6 6 0 .163pf
cmr13 13 0 .518pf
cm65 65 0 .206pf
cm19 19 0 .745pf
cm12 12 0 .266pf
cm18 18 0 .071pf
cm28 28 0 .483pf
cm104 104 0 .020pf
cm126 126 0 .025pf
rn21 2 7 5.63
rn22 7 8 5.63
rbn2 9 0 .1
rn21a 10 11 31.88
rn22a 11 12 31.88
rn71 12 131 20.63
rn72 131 14 20.63
rbn7 15 0 .1
rn71a 16 17 5.63
rn72a 17 18 5.63
rn81 28 111 23.08
rn82 111 112 23.08
rbn8 113 0 .1
rn81a 114 115 67.5
rn82a 115 65 67.5
rn131 65 117 5.63
rn132 117 118 5.63
rbn13 119 0 .1
ra131 120 121 18.75
ra132 121 126 18.75
rn12 122 0 9.47
rbn12 123 0 .1
rn121 124 125 5.63
rn122 125 126 5.63
rd126 126 5 160
rn111 5 127 5.63
rn112 127 128 5.63
rbn11 129 0 .1
rn11 130 0 9
ra11 19 20 5.63
ra12 20 21 5.63
rbnb 22 0 .1
rn3 24 0 9
rbn3 25 0 .1
rn31 26 27 48.75
rn32 27 28 48.75
rn41 28 29 5.63
rn42 29 30 5.63
rbn4 91 0 .1
rn4 92 0 9
rn6 93 0 9
rbn6 94 0 .1
rn1 23 0 9
rn61 95 96 5.63
rn62 96 18 5.63
rn51 18 97 37.5
rn52 97 98 37.5
rbn5 99 0 .1
rn5 100 0 9
rn9 101 0 37.5
rbn9 102 0 .1
rd91 103 104 57.43
rd92 104 6 57.43
rn101 6 106 5.63
rn102 106 107 5.63
rbn10 108 0 .1
rn10 109 0 72
rp21 2 31 48.85
rp22 31 32 48.85
rbp2 33 1 .1
rp21a 34 35 48.85
rp22a 35 12 48.85
rp71 12 36 14.65
rp72 36 37 14.65
rbp7 38 1 .1
rp71a 39 40 53.73
rp72a 40 18 53.73
rp61 18 41 14.65
rp62 41 42 14.65
rbp6 43 1 .1
rp61a 44 45 188.2
rp62a 45 46 188.2
rp51 46 47 188.2
rp52 47 80 188.2
rbp5 81 1 .1
rp5 82 1 25.4
rp9 83 1 84.67
rbp9 84 1 .1
rp9a 85 86 50.13
rp10 86 87 50.13
rbp10 88 1 .1
rp101 89 90 14.65
rp102 90 6 14.65
rp11 19 48 14.65
rp12 48 49 14.65
rbp1 50 1 .1
rp1 51 1 25.4
rp3 52 1 25.4
rbp3 53 1 .1
rp3a 54 55 71.97
rp4 55 56 71.97
rbp4 57 1 .1
rp41 58 59 26.74
rp42 59 28 26.74
rp81 28 60 73.53
rp82 60 61 73.53
rb81 62 1 .1
rp81a 63 64 14.65
rp82a 64 65 14.65
rp131 65 66 29.31
rp132 66 67 29.31
rbp13 68 1 .1
rb131 69 70 42.33
rb132 70 5 42.33
rp121 5 72 14.65
rp122 72 73 14.65
rbp12 74 1 .1
rp111 75 76 42.33
rp112 76 77 42.33
rbp11 78 1 .1
rp11b 79 1 33.87
..subckt c9860 1 2 3
mp1 11 4 9 10 pnl1 w=6.53mil l=.174mil ad=4.74e-5 as=4.74e-5
mn1 7 4 5 6 nnl1 w=4.03mil l=.174mil ad=2.93e-5 as=2.93e-5
dpin 13 1 dppn 1.82e-5
ddp1 12 1 dppn 4.30e-5
ddn1 0 8 dnpw 2.501e-5
cmout 3 0 .63pf
rin1 2 13 116
rp1 9 1 7.9
rbp1 10 1 .1
rp1a 11 12 2.89
rp2 12 3 2.89
rn1 5 0 2.3
rbn1 6 0 .1
rn1a 7 8 1.22
rn2 8 3 1.22
r1n2 13 4 116
x1 1 3 4 c9070
dp 4 1 dppn 9.88e-6
cd 4 0 2.53pf
x2 1 5 4 0 10 5 6 c1480
x3 1 6 8 c9860
vpwr 30 0 dc 10
rwr 30 1 1
vin 2 0 pulse (0 10 25ns 40ns 40ns 85ns 190ns)
rin 2 3 2000
vrt 9 0 pulse(10 0 10ns 10ns 10ns 1us 2us)
rrt 9 10 2000
co 8 0 10pf
..options acct trtol=7
..tran 2ns 200ns 1ns
..probe v(8) v(2)
On Tue, 09 Sep 2003 11:09:20 -0700, Jim Thompson
<Jim-T@golana-will-get-you.com> wrote:

On 09 Sep 2003 17:16:25 GMT, "Mike Engelhardt" <pmte@concentric.net


Anybody here ever did benchmarks with various
SPICE's [i.e. to compare speed]?

The closest thing to a standard is something called
the MCNC benchmark suite. It's a collection of
difficult-to-solve circuits. I use it as part of
the basis for a regression test for LTspice releases
since many people have the circuits and run them.
These are IC transistor level simulations using
mostly obsolete device types(MOS2 and MOS3), so it
the benchmark suite doesn't really relate to the
way anyone uses a SPICE program these days(A more
widely relevant benchmark suite would use BSIM3
MOSFET's). If you're interested, here's a zip file
containing the files I use:


Add here are todays run times(lower times are better).
I've included another popular simulator for reference.

LTspice PSpice
2.05y 9.2.3
e1480.cir 0.250 (fails)

What does "e1480.cir (fails)" mean?

It runs here in 0.19 seconds. (I edited the file changing "mil" to
"e-3", although, thinking about it, I think PSpice recognizes "mil",
but I'm not sure.)

...Jim Thompson
Looked it up in the reference guide:

25.4*10e-6 MIL --

10e-3 M milli-

Which was your intent with MIL?

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.

Anybody here ever did benchmarks with various
SPICE's [i.e. to compare speed]?

The closest thing to a standard is something called
the MCNC benchmark suite. It's a collection of
difficult-to-solve circuits. I use it as part of
the basis for a regression test for LTspice releases
since many people have the circuits and run them.
These are IC transistor level simulations using
mostly obsolete device types(MOS2 and MOS3), so it
the benchmark suite doesn't really relate to the
way anyone uses a SPICE program these days(A more
widely relevant benchmark suite would use BSIM3
MOSFET's). If you're interested, here's a zip file
containing the files I use:


Add here are todays run times(lower times are better).
I've included another popular simulator for reference.

LTspice PSpice
2.05y 9.2.3
e1480.cir 0.250 (fails)

What does "e1480.cir (fails)" mean?

It runs here in 0.19 seconds. (I edited the file changing "mil" to
"e-3", although, thinking about it, I think PSpice recognizes "mil",
but I'm not sure.)

...Jim Thompson

Looked it up in the reference guide:

25.4*10e-6 MIL --

10e-3 M milli-

Which was your intent with MIL?
1mil = 25.4e-6 in both LTspice and PSpice and every
other SPICE I've ever seen since the 1970's. Try this deck:

V1 N001 0 1mil
R1 N001 0 1

On 09 Sep 2003 18:27:59 GMT, "Mike Engelhardt" <pmte@concentric.net>


Anybody here ever did benchmarks with various
SPICE's [i.e. to compare speed]?

The closest thing to a standard is something called
the MCNC benchmark suite. It's a collection of
difficult-to-solve circuits. I use it as part of
the basis for a regression test for LTspice releases
since many people have the circuits and run them.
These are IC transistor level simulations using
mostly obsolete device types(MOS2 and MOS3), so it
the benchmark suite doesn't really relate to the
way anyone uses a SPICE program these days(A more
widely relevant benchmark suite would use BSIM3
MOSFET's). If you're interested, here's a zip file
containing the files I use:


Add here are todays run times(lower times are better).
I've included another popular simulator for reference.

LTspice PSpice
2.05y 9.2.3
e1480.cir 0.250 (fails)

What does "e1480.cir (fails)" mean?

It runs here in 0.19 seconds. (I edited the file changing "mil" to
"e-3", although, thinking about it, I think PSpice recognizes "mil",
but I'm not sure.)

...Jim Thompson

Looked it up in the reference guide:

25.4*10e-6 MIL --

10e-3 M milli-

Which was your intent with MIL?

1mil = 25.4e-6 in both LTspice and PSpice and every
other SPICE I've ever seen since the 1970's. Try this deck:

V1 N001 0 1mil
R1 N001 0 1

PSpice apparently doesn't like "MIL". Run it with "MIL", hangs on
convergence. Change dimensions by multiplying out such that, for
instance, 1.63mil = 41.4u, then it runs just ducky.



...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
"Mike Engelhardt" <pmte@concentric.net> wrote in message

I know some vendors use the CircuitSim90 benchmarks, which are here,

They were called MCNC before they were called CircuitSim90.
Ah ha, I see. Thanks for that Mike, I did wonder if there was a connection!


Tim Stinchcombe

Cheltenham, Glos, UK

Anybody here ever did benchmarks with various
SPICE's [i.e. to compare speed]?

The closest thing to a standard is something called
the MCNC benchmark suite. It's a collection of
difficult-to-solve circuits. I use it as part of
the basis for a regression test for LTspice releases
since many people have the circuits and run them.
These are IC transistor level simulations using
mostly obsolete device types(MOS2 and MOS3), so it
the benchmark suite doesn't really relate to the
way anyone uses a SPICE program these days(A more
widely relevant benchmark suite would use BSIM3
MOSFET's). If you're interested, here's a zip file
containing the files I use:


Add here are todays run times(lower times are better).
I've included another popular simulator for reference.

LTspice PSpice
2.05y 9.2.3
e1480.cir 0.250 (fails)

What does "e1480.cir (fails)" mean?

It runs here in 0.19 seconds. (I edited the file changing
"mil" to "e-3", although, thinking about it, I think
PSpice recognizes "mil", but I'm not sure.)
...Jim Thompson

Looked it up in the reference guide:

25.4*10e-6 MIL --

10e-3 M milli-

Which was your intent with MIL?

1mil = 25.4e-6 in both LTspice and PSpice and every
other SPICE I've ever seen since the 1970's. Try this
V1 N001 0 1mil
R1 N001 0 1


PSpice apparently doesn't like "MIL". Run it with "MIL", hangs on
convergence. Change dimensions by multiplying out such that, for
instance, 1.63mil = 41.4u, then it runs just ducky.


That would be very broken indeed. While PSpice does compute
1.13mil very slightly differently from 2.8702e-5, that is not
really the problem. For the slight difference, try this deck:

* x should be 0 but it is -3.388fV in both LTspice and PSpice
I1 x 0 2.8702e-5
I2 0 x 1.13mil
R1 x 0 1Meg
..tran 1 1

PSpice just seems to have difficulty with specific values. Below
is a version of e1480.cir without 'mil' notation that fails in PSpice.


---- snip ----

*file: c1480.ckt - flip flop characterization
..model nnl1 nmos vto=0.0 level=2 rd=.769
+ rs=.769 cgso=9.05e-12 cgdo=9.05e-12
+ cgbo=0.0 cbd=5.43e-8 cbs=5.43e-8
+ tox=.70e-5 pb=.900 js=3.82e-11
+ nsub=3.852e16 nss=2.77e10 nfs=1e9
+ xj=2.0e-4 ld=0.0 uo=540
+ ucrit=1.0e5 uexp=.18 utra=.3
+ kf=0. af=1. fc=.5
..model pnl1 pmos vto=0.0 level=2 rd=9.74
+ rs=9.74 cgso=14.76e-12 cgdo=14.76e-12
+ cgbo=0.0 cbd=1.86e-8 cbs=1.86e-8
+ tox=.70e-5 pb=.900 js=3.82e-11
+ nsub=3.87e15 nss=2.77e10 nfs=1e9
+ xj=2.0e-4 ld=0.0 uo=251
+ ucrit=1.0e5 uexp=.2415 utra=.3
+ kf=0. af=1.0 fc=.5
..model nnl2 nmos vto=0.0 level=2 rd=.769
+ rs=.769 cgso=9.05e-12 cgdo=9.05e-12
+ cgbo=0.0 cbd=5.43e-8 cbs=5.43e-8
+ tox=.70e-5 pb=.900 js=3.82e-11
+ nsub=3.852e16 nss=2.77e10 nfs=1e9
+ xj=2.0e-4 ld=0.0 uo=540
+ ucrit=1.0e5 uexp=.18 utra=.3
+ kf=0. af=1. fc=.5
..model pnl2 pmos vto=0.0 level=2 rd=9.74
+ rs=9.74 cgso=14.76e-12 cgdo=14.76e-12
+ cgbo=0.0 cbd=1.86e-8 cbs=1.86e-8
+ tox=.70e-5 pb=.900 js=3.82e-11
+ nsub=3.87e15 nss=2.77e10 nfs=1e9
+ xj=2.0e-4 ld=0.0 uo=251
+ ucrit=1.0e5 uexp=.2415 utra=.3
+ kf=0. af=1.0 fc=.5
..model dnpw d cjo=5.43e-8 vj=.500
..model dppn d cjo=1.86e-8 vj=.500
..subckt c9070 1 2 3
dppn1 4 1 dppn 2.40e-5
dppn2 8 1 dppn 7.17e-6
dpwn 6 1 dppn 9.99e-6
dnpw 0 3 dnpw 1.24e-5
cm1 2 0 .445pf
r1 2 4 610
r2 4 5 610
r3 5 6 125
r4 6 7 125
r5 7 8 143
r6 8 3 143
..subckt c1480 1 2 3 4 13 5 6
mp1 49 3 51 50 pnl1 w=4.1402e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp2 34 3 32 33 pnl1 w=4.1402e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp3 54 12 52 53 pnl1 w=4.1402e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp4 58 4 56 57 pnl1 w=4.1402e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp5 80 13 81 82 pnl2 w=4.1402e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp6 42 28 44 43 pnl2 w=4.1402e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp7 37 19 39 38 pnl2 w=4.1402e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp8 63 19 61 62 pnl2 w=4.1402e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp9 85 65 83 84 pnl2 w=4.1402e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp10 89 13 87 88 pnl2 w=4.1402e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp11 77 6 79 78 pnl1 w=4.1402e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp12 73 4 75 74 pnl1 w=4.1402e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mp13 69 3 67 68 pnl1 w=4.1402e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=1.71e-6 as=1.71e-6
mn1 21 3 23 22 nnl1 w=2.87019999967e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn2 10 19 8 9 nnl2 w=2.87019999967e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn3 26 12 24 25 nnl1 w=2.87019999967e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn4 30 4 92 91 nnl1 w=2.87019999967e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn5 98 13 100 99 nnl2 w=2.87019999967e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn6 95 28 93 94 nnl2 w=2.87019999967e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn7 16 3 14 15 nnl1 w=2.87019999967e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn8 112 3 114 113 nnl1 w=2.87019999967e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn9 103 65 101 102 nnl2 w=2.87019999967e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn10 107 13 109 108 nnl2 w=2.87019999967e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn11 128 6 130 129 nnl1 w=2.87019999967e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn12 124 4 122 123 nnl1 w=2.87019999967e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
mn13 120 19 118 119 nnl2 w=2.87019999967e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
dpd2 2 1 dppn 4.44e-7
dpcl3 3 1 dppn 4.44e-7
dps4 4 1 dppn 4.44e-7
dpq5 5 1 dppn 4.44e-7
dpq6 6 1 dppn 4.44e-7
dsn2 0 7 dnpw 6.40e-6
ddn2 0 11 dnpw 1.41e-5
dsn7 0 131 dnpw 9.40e-6
ddn7 0 17 dnpw 6.40e-6
ddn8 0 111 dnpw 1.41e-5
dsn8 0 115 dnpw 2.43e-5
dsn13 0 117 dnpw 4.29e-6
ddn13 0 121 dnpw 1.15e-5
ddn12 0 125 dnpw 1.684e-5
ddn11 0 127 dnpw 1.684e-5
ddn1 0 20 dnpw 6.40e-6
ddn3 0 27 dnpw 2.03e-5
ddn4 0 29 dnpw 3.59e-6
ddn6 0 96 dnpw 3.69e-6
ddn5 0 97 dnpw 1.47e-5
ddn9 0 104 dnpw 1.22e-5
ddn10 0 106 dnpw 1.73e-5
dsp2 31 1 dppn 1.64e-5
ddp2 35 1 dppn 1.17e-5
dsp7 36 1 dppn 5.03e-6
ddp7 40 1 dppn 1.32e-5
dsp6 41 1 dppn 5.66e-6
ddp6 45 1 dppn 1.49e-5
ddp5 47 1 dppn 1.49e-5
ddp9 86 1 dppn 1.99e-5
ddp10 90 1 dppn 1.08e-5
ddp1 48 1 dppn 9.05e-6
ddp3 55 1 dppn 1.78e-5
ddp4 59 1 dppn 7.39e-6
dsp8 60 1 dppn 1.43e-5
ddp8 64 1 dppn 6.29e-6
dsp13 66 1 dppn 6.29e-6
ddp13 70 1 dppn 1.47e-5
dsp12 72 1 dppn 4.89e-6
ddp11 76 1 dppn 1.39e-5
ddr13 13 1 dppn 4.44e-7
cmd2 2 0 .066pf
cmcl3 3 0 .816pf
cms4 4 0 .641pf
cmq5 5 0 .054pf
cmq6 6 0 .163pf
cmr13 13 0 .518pf
cm65 65 0 .206pf
cm19 19 0 .745pf
cm12 12 0 .266pf
cm18 18 0 .071pf
cm28 28 0 .483pf
cm104 104 0 .020pf
cm126 126 0 .025pf
rn21 2 7 5.63
rn22 7 8 5.63
rbn2 9 0 .1
rn21a 10 11 31.88
rn22a 11 12 31.88
rn71 12 131 20.63
rn72 131 14 20.63
rbn7 15 0 .1
rn71a 16 17 5.63
rn72a 17 18 5.63
rn81 28 111 23.08
rn82 111 112 23.08
rbn8 113 0 .1
rn81a 114 115 67.5
rn82a 115 65 67.5
rn131 65 117 5.63
rn132 117 118 5.63
rbn13 119 0 .1
ra131 120 121 18.75
ra132 121 126 18.75
rn12 122 0 9.47
rbn12 123 0 .1
rn121 124 125 5.63
rn122 125 126 5.63
rd126 126 5 160
rn111 5 127 5.63
rn112 127 128 5.63
rbn11 129 0 .1
rn11 130 0 9
ra11 19 20 5.63
ra12 20 21 5.63
rbnb 22 0 .1
rn3 24 0 9
rbn3 25 0 .1
rn31 26 27 48.75
rn32 27 28 48.75
rn41 28 29 5.63
rn42 29 30 5.63
rbn4 91 0 .1
rn4 92 0 9
rn6 93 0 9
rbn6 94 0 .1
rn1 23 0 9
rn61 95 96 5.63
rn62 96 18 5.63
rn51 18 97 37.5
rn52 97 98 37.5
rbn5 99 0 .1
rn5 100 0 9
rn9 101 0 37.5
rbn9 102 0 .1
rd91 103 104 57.43
rd92 104 6 57.43
rn101 6 106 5.63
rn102 106 107 5.63
rbn10 108 0 .1
rn10 109 0 72
rp21 2 31 48.85
rp22 31 32 48.85
rbp2 33 1 .1
rp21a 34 35 48.85
rp22a 35 12 48.85
rp71 12 36 14.65
rp72 36 37 14.65
rbp7 38 1 .1
rp71a 39 40 53.73
rp72a 40 18 53.73
rp61 18 41 14.65
rp62 41 42 14.65
rbp6 43 1 .1
rp61a 44 45 188.2
rp62a 45 46 188.2
rp51 46 47 188.2
rp52 47 80 188.2
rbp5 81 1 .1
rp5 82 1 25.4
rp9 83 1 84.67
rbp9 84 1 .1
rp9a 85 86 50.13
rp10 86 87 50.13
rbp10 88 1 .1
rp101 89 90 14.65
rp102 90 6 14.65
rp11 19 48 14.65
rp12 48 49 14.65
rbp1 50 1 .1
rp1 51 1 25.4
rp3 52 1 25.4
rbp3 53 1 .1
rp3a 54 55 71.97
rp4 55 56 71.97
rbp4 57 1 .1
rp41 58 59 26.74
rp42 59 28 26.74
rp81 28 60 73.53
rp82 60 61 73.53
rb81 62 1 .1
rp81a 63 64 14.65
rp82a 64 65 14.65
rp131 65 66 29.31
rp132 66 67 29.31
rbp13 68 1 .1
rb131 69 70 42.33
rb132 70 5 42.33
rp121 5 72 14.65
rp122 72 73 14.65
rbp12 74 1 .1
rp111 75 76 42.33
rp112 76 77 42.33
rbp11 78 1 .1
rp11b 79 1 33.87
..subckt c9860 1 2 3
mp1 11 4 9 10 pnl1 w=1.65863e-4 l=4.4196e-6 ad=4.74e-5 as=4.74e-5
mn1 7 4 5 6 nnl1 w=1.02362e-4 l=4.4196e-6 ad=2.93e-5 as=2.93e-5
dpin 13 1 dppn 1.82e-5
ddp1 12 1 dppn 4.30e-5
ddn1 0 8 dnpw 2.501e-5
cmout 3 0 .63pf
rin1 2 13 116
rp1 9 1 7.9
rbp1 10 1 .1
rp1a 11 12 2.89
rp2 12 3 2.89
rn1 5 0 2.3
rbn1 6 0 .1
rn1a 7 8 1.22
rn2 8 3 1.22
r1n2 13 4 116
x1 1 3 4 c9070
dp 4 1 dppn 9.88e-6
cd 4 0 2.53pf
x2 1 5 4 0 10 5 6 c1480
x3 1 6 8 c9860
vpwr 30 0 dc 10
rwr 30 1 1
vin 2 0 pulse (0 10 25ns 40ns 40ns 85ns 190ns)
rin 2 3 2000
vrt 9 0 pulse(10 0 10ns 10ns 10ns 1us 2us)
rrt 9 10 2000
co 8 0 10pf
..options acct trtol=7
..tran 2ns 200ns 1ns
..probe v(8) v(2)
On 09 Sep 2003 20:35:46 GMT, "Mike Engelhardt" <pmte@concentric.net>

PSpice just seems to have difficulty with specific values. Below
is a version of e1480.cir without 'mil' notation that fails in PSpice.


---- snip ----

*file: c1480.ckt - flip flop characterization
.model nnl1 nmos vto=0.0 level=2 rd=.769
+ rs=.769 cgso=9.05e-12 cgdo=9.05e-12
+ cgbo=0.0 cbd=5.43e-8 cbs=5.43e-8
mn1 21 3 23 22 nnl1 w=2.87019999967e-5 l=4.4196e-6 ad=6.45e-7 as=6.45e-7
12 significant digits? You must lie awake at night trying to kill
PSpice. Your time would be better spent making a "Schematics" clone
front-end for LTSpice that could read old PSpice schematics. Then
those of us about to be disenfranchised by Cadence could painlessly

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.

12 significant digits? You must lie awake at night trying to kill
No, I certainly don't. The original circuit(which is not from me)
didn't run in PSpice. I wasn't looking for it to fail in PSpice,
just noticed it didn't. I found it completely implausible that any
SPICE would not support 'mil' notation(no matter how lame I may
think such notation is) so I hypothesized that the reason was that
the dimensions didn't evaluate to the exact same in your modified
deck. The short deck showing the 3.388fV difference was used to
find how to bring the evaluated deck back to the original
dimensions and verify the hypothesis that the mil notation wasn't
the problem. I have no idea nor interest in what values make
PSpice fail at that deck.

Your time would be better spent making a "Schematics" clone
front-end for LTSpice that could read old PSpice schematics.
Then those of us about to be disenfranchised by Cadence could
painlessly switch.
I've never looked at/used PSpice Schematics, but I do appreciate
and respect that it has a following. I understand it's an ASCII
format, like LTspice's, but for all I know I could get myself and
others in legal trouble cloning it. I don't know of anyone that
offers translation from PSpice Schematics to other CAD tools, so,
in ignorance, I suspect it's something that would definately take
some research whether or not cloning it is an issue.


I've never looked at/used PSpice Schematics, but I do appreciate
and respect that it has a following. I understand it's an ASCII
format, like LTspice's, but for all I know I could get myself and
others in legal trouble cloning it. I don't know of anyone that
offers translation from PSpice Schematics to other CAD tools, so,
in ignorance, I suspect it's something that would definately take
some research whether or not cloning it is an issue.

In fact, SiMetrix can read in and convert a PSpice Schematics schematic
file to its own format.
Thanks. Is the PSpice Schematics schematic documented somewhere?
Usually using the program to reverse engineer it's files is a
violation of it license agreement.

Mike Engelhardt wrote:

I've never looked at/used PSpice Schematics, but I do appreciate
and respect that it has a following. I understand it's an ASCII
format, like LTspice's, but for all I know I could get myself and
others in legal trouble cloning it. I don't know of anyone that
offers translation from PSpice Schematics to other CAD tools, so,
in ignorance, I suspect it's something that would definately take
some research whether or not cloning it is an issue.

In fact, SiMetrix can read in and convert a PSpice Schematics
schematic file to its own format.

Thanks. Is the PSpice Schematics schematic documented somewhere?
Dont know. Maybe it was guessed at.

Usually using the program to reverse engineer it's files is a
violation of it license agreement.
But not all reverse engineering clauses are legally enforceable. There
can a legal right for fair use reverse engineering.

In the UK, we are pretty well protected from any unreasonable clauses.
For example, it is simple not legal to have a licence that restricts
liability for "fitness for intended purposes" or certain damages, for
consumers. In fact it is a criminal offence to attempt to write a waiver
of consumer rights in a contract. That is why in licences originated
here, there is usually a statement, or should be if they are not stupid,
"This dose not effect your statutory consumer rights".

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
Active8 wrote:
In article <ebI7b.145$Cg3.34@newsfep3-gui.server.ntli.net>,
kevin@anasoft.co.uk says...
Mike Engelhardt wrote:

I've never looked at/used PSpice Schematics, but I do appreciate
and respect that it has a following. I understand it's an ASCII
format, like LTspice's, but for all I know I could get myself and
others in legal trouble cloning it. I don't know of anyone that
offers translation from PSpice Schematics to other CAD tools, so,
in ignorance, I suspect it's something that would definately take
some research whether or not cloning it is an issue.

In fact, SiMetrix can read in and convert a PSpice Schematics
schematic file to its own format.

Thanks. Is the PSpice Schematics schematic documented somewhere?

Dont know. Maybe it was guessed at.

Usually using the program to reverse engineer it's files is a
violation of it license agreement.

But not all reverse engineering clauses are legally enforceable.
There can a legal right for fair use reverse engineering.

In the UK, we are pretty well protected from any unreasonable
clauses. For example, it is simple not legal to have a licence that
restricts liability for "fitness for intended purposes" or certain
damages, for consumers. In fact it is a criminal offence to attempt
to write a waiver of consumer rights in a contract. That is why in
licences originated here, there is usually a statement, or should be
if they are not stupid, "This dose not effect your statutory
consumer rights".

so what if i write the "illegal in UK" EULA here and you use my
program over there?
First. I disclaim any liability on my reply here. I am not a lawyer:)

Complicated. Depends on many things. Is the program sold here. Does the
company have a presence in the uk.

Note that liability is attached to the actual seller, not the

does that mean that if i use your SS to design an avionics circuit and
it fails due to an erroneous SS worst case analysis causing me the
consumer to be sued or injured, you can be sued by me?
Pointless, because AnSoft has no assets.

Unlikely, but the law is always a tricky thing to figure out. In this
case, there is no way that an avionics system is going to be implemented
by a consumer, so a contract between a business can absolve one from
liability, if reasonable. If attention was drawn to specific defects
before purchase, then one would not liable for such defects anyway. The
term is "satisfactory quality", taking into account normal and usual use
conditions. Since in this case, no vendor supplies spice software with
the intention of being satisfactory for injury or life threatening
situations, it would be difficult to show that such use was customary.
You cant really blanket any and all faults as in "AS IS", because then
you wouldn't be selling anything. It would be you pay me, and I will
give you nothing back. This is under the "Repugnancy Rule". If your
buying a simulator, but you have a clause that says, there is no
guarantee that it can simulate at all, it can be struck out. It would go
against the very purpose of the contract.

Note that you can limit liability to a business much more than you can
than to a consumer. However, a "consumer" may be a business if what is
bought is incidentally related to the business. For example, a business
buying a coffee pot would probably have the rights of a consumer, where
as buying 1 million resisters for his production run would be restricted
to what ever was in the purchase contract. Injury liability is also in a
different class then other liabilities.

This gets a bit involved for a NG post. I have few law books that I use,
and they are quite thick.

of course. maybe you could just state a better example. just so i
understand you.
Well, if you bought the simulation tool with hdl, and the hdl part
basically didn't work at all, one would not be able to disclaim
liability. If it failed to converge on say, a few % of circuits, and
this was pointed out prior to sale, then one would probably have a valid
disclaimer. A point here is that it is not customary to have perfection,
and the clause is probably reasonable. Obviously, a 50% failure rate
would be another matter.

i thought the US was litigious. suing McDonalds for spilling hot
coffee on oneself and crap like that.

"worm, your honor, i maintain that using SS cost me $20k in
psychiatrist's fees and much pain and suffering." actually, that's
more likely to be the case with PSpice. :) "just $500k, worm your
honor, in my bank or home."
One of my favourites is:

"You honour, first I will show quite clearly that my client did not take
the vase, and had never seen the petitioner or his residence before".
"Secondly, that the petitioner specifically gave permission for my
client to take the vase whilst showing said vase in petioners garden.
"And thirdly, that the vase was in perfect condition when my client
returned it".

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.

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