Speed of DC solid state relays?



Anyone know how fast you can turn these on and off? Can I make a motor
controller out of em and run em at 1KHz?
BobG wrote:
Anyone know how fast you can turn these on and off? Can I make a
controller out of em and run em at 1KHz?
All of these solid state relays have data sheets, and you can easily
look up the specs for the part you have or want.

The standard DC SSR will switch on fast enough, but will switch off too
slowly to get a decent response for 1KHz. If you look at the data
sheet for a standard DC power SSR, the Opto 22 DC60


you'll see that they guarantee turn-on time of 100us, but turn-off is
750us. That's going to make a mess out of 1KHz.

There are SSRs which have been optimized for higher speed switching,
but you have to provide a little more information about your
application if you want a recommendation.

Good luck

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