I am looking for a circuit and software that I once saw in the 1990's. It
had a microphone, a circuit and a serial port output. It converted speech
to serial input to a computer. The software allowed you to play back the
speech. I still have the circuit I built for this, but have long since lost
the software.
Does anyone remember the circuit I am referring to? Do you happen to know
where I can get the software and possibly schematic again?
Thank you,
Please reply to newsgroup@teccs.biz
had a microphone, a circuit and a serial port output. It converted speech
to serial input to a computer. The software allowed you to play back the
speech. I still have the circuit I built for this, but have long since lost
the software.
Does anyone remember the circuit I am referring to? Do you happen to know
where I can get the software and possibly schematic again?
Thank you,
Please reply to newsgroup@teccs.biz