spectre output hierarchy sep strangeness



Sometimes I run a spectre sim and get outputs like

v("VDD"), v("I1.MYSIG")

and other times I get

v("/VDD"), v("/I1/MYSIG")

what the heck makes this change and how can I prevent it? It makes
managing ocean scripts for automatic plotting of various signals a
major pain.

Not sure is this helps: Page 26 of the ocean ref manual inside cdsdoc:

outputs() in OCEAN
Throughout this manual are examples of nets and instances preceded by a
"/" as well as
examples without the "/". There is a significant difference between
the two.
If you create a design in the CadenceŽ analog design environment and
save the OCEAN file,
all net and instance names will be preceded with a "/", indicating
they are schematic names.
The netlist/amap directory must be available to map these schematic
names to names
the simulator understands. (If your design command points to the raw
netlist in the netlist
directory, the amap directory is there.)
OCEAN Reference
Introduction to OCEAN
If you create a design or an OCEAN script by hand, or move the raw
netlist from the netlist
directory, the net and instance names might not be preceded with
"/". This indicates that
simulator names are used, and mapping is not necessary.
If you are unsure whether schematic names or simulator names are used,
selectResult( S_resultsName ), type outputs() to see the list of net
and instance
Note: Although you can move the raw netlist file from the netlist
directory, it is not advised.
There are other files in the netlist directory that are now required to
run OCEAN.
Not sure is this helps: Page 26 of the ocean ref manual inside cdsdoc:

outputs() in OCEAN
Throughout this manual are examples of nets and instances preceded by a
"/" as well as
examples without the "/". There is a significant difference between
the two.
If you create a design in the CadenceŽ analog design environment and
save the OCEAN file,
all net and instance names will be preceded with a "/", indicating
they are schematic names.
The netlist/amap directory must be available to map these schematic
names to names
the simulator understands. (If your design command points to the raw
netlist in the netlist
directory, the amap directory is there.)
OCEAN Reference
Introduction to OCEAN
If you create a design or an OCEAN script by hand, or move the raw
netlist from the netlist
directory, the net and instance names might not be preceded with
"/". This indicates that
simulator names are used, and mapping is not necessary.
If you are unsure whether schematic names or simulator names are used,
selectResult( S_resultsName ), type outputs() to see the list of net
and instance
Note: Although you can move the raw netlist file from the netlist
directory, it is not advised.
There are other files in the netlist directory that are now required to
run OCEAN.

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