I tried using multi-threading option (both command line and by
ADE) in Spectre using 4 processors but it seems to use only 130%
CPU resources instead of 400%. My netlist has following no. of
components shown below. I'm using Cadence 5.1.41 version. Please
suggest what to do. Thanks.
nodes 5430
equations 15288
ahdl simulator 1
bsim4 4667
capacitor 1211
cccs 16
dgncap.dgmosvarcap 114
diode 162
inductor 386
isource 3
ncap.mosvarcap 86
pvccs 48
pvcvs 38
resistor 3035
vcvs 3
vsource 33
I tried using multi-threading option (both command line and by
ADE) in Spectre using 4 processors but it seems to use only 130%
CPU resources instead of 400%. My netlist has following no. of
components shown below. I'm using Cadence 5.1.41 version. Please
suggest what to do. Thanks.
nodes 5430
equations 15288
ahdl simulator 1
bsim4 4667
capacitor 1211
cccs 16
dgncap.dgmosvarcap 114
diode 162
inductor 386
isource 3
ncap.mosvarcap 86
pvccs 48
pvcvs 38
resistor 3035
vcvs 3
vsource 33