Dear all,
I have a capacitor in my design that uses arrayed instancing, something like following in my netlist:
Cm\<3\> (a3 b3) Somecapmodel area=somearea3 c=somenumber3
Cm\<2\> (a2 b2) Somecapmodel area=somearea2 c=somenumber2
Cm\<1\> (a1 b1) Somecapmodel area=somearea1 c=somenumber1
Cm\<0\> (a0 b0) Somecapmodel area=somearea0 c=somenumber0
I am trying to use ALTER to modify values/areas of these capacitors, I use an include file and in ADE add the include file usig Setup->Simulation Files menu item. Inside the include file I have a line like the following:
alter1 alter sub=top.block1.block2.block3.Cm\<3\> param=area value=newarea3
I get the following error message:
Error found by spectre during circuit read-in.
ERROR (SFE-874): "somepath" 16: Unexpected equals "=". Expected end of file or end of line.
Can anyone please explain what is happening here? Does this have anything to do with the arrayed instancing used? It has always worked well for other circuit elements not using arrayed instances?!?
Thanks for your help/thoughts.
I have a capacitor in my design that uses arrayed instancing, something like following in my netlist:
Cm\<3\> (a3 b3) Somecapmodel area=somearea3 c=somenumber3
Cm\<2\> (a2 b2) Somecapmodel area=somearea2 c=somenumber2
Cm\<1\> (a1 b1) Somecapmodel area=somearea1 c=somenumber1
Cm\<0\> (a0 b0) Somecapmodel area=somearea0 c=somenumber0
I am trying to use ALTER to modify values/areas of these capacitors, I use an include file and in ADE add the include file usig Setup->Simulation Files menu item. Inside the include file I have a line like the following:
alter1 alter sub=top.block1.block2.block3.Cm\<3\> param=area value=newarea3
I get the following error message:
Error found by spectre during circuit read-in.
ERROR (SFE-874): "somepath" 16: Unexpected equals "=". Expected end of file or end of line.
Can anyone please explain what is happening here? Does this have anything to do with the arrayed instancing used? It has always worked well for other circuit elements not using arrayed instances?!?
Thanks for your help/thoughts.