Specs for Midland Walkie Talkie Mikes



Does anybody know what the specs are for the button mikes used in
Midland walkie talkies?
"hhhmayo@aol.com" wrote:
Does anybody know what the specs are for the button mikes used in
Midland walkie talkies?

Midland has made walkie talkies for about 40 years.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

"hhhmayo@aol.com" wrote:
Michael A. Terrell wrote:

"hhhm...@aol.com" wrote:

Does anybody know what the specs are for the button mikes used in
Midland walkie talkies?

Midland has made walkie talkies for about 40 years.

The one I am interested is the mike they put in recent models. It
Looks like about 10mm by 5mm thick or so with two wire leads.



Lead free solder is Belgium's version of 'Hold my beer and watch this!'
On Mar 26, 10:46�pm, "Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terr...@earthlink.net>
"hhhm...@aol.com" wrote:

Does anybody know what the specs are for the button mikes used in
Midland walkie talkies?

Midland has made walkie talkies for about 40 years.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

The one I am interested is the mike they put in recent models. It
Looks like about 10mm by 5mm thick or so with two wire leads.

Hy! That component used in Midland walkie talkies is a 10K pot. It's code is "093V SN-1 15F A10K" an it is produced by

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