Special Reports: The IBSA Business Community focuses its att



Special Reports: The IBSA Business Community focuses its attention on
attaining the level of $30 billion trade flow by 2015; Hong Kong's
affluent are the most mobile savvy in Asia; When Markets Collide -
Mohamed El-Erian wins the Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business
Book of the Year Award 2008 ; Aravind Adiga's book "The White Tiger"
won Man Booker Prize for Fiction for 2008; ASSOCHAM Moots 5 Point
Strategy To Turn Existing Economic Crisis Into Opportunity ; Asia/
Pacific Banks Will Invest in Technology Despite Crisis

The IBSA Business Community focuses its attention on attaining the
level of $30 billion trade flow by 2015

"While intra-IBSA trade is on the upswing, the focus of attention is
on attaining the level of $30 billion trade flow by 2015. This would
be achieved if the current trend is sustained and facilitated by
greater South-South Cooperation and sharing of knowledge and
technology", stated Mr K V Kamath, President CII, presenting the
report of the IBSA Business Summit to the three heads of State- Dr.
Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India, Mr Luis Inacio Lula Da Silva,
President of Brazil and Mr. Kgalena Motlanthe, President of South
Africa, at Hotel Taj Palace, today.

Read full text: http://infoclickindia.com/news.php?sp=130&path_news=ISBA.jpg


Hong Kong's affluent are the most mobile savvy in Asia

Over 30% of affluent Hong Kongers use video messaging features on
their mobile phone (regional average is 17%) while 61% exchange files
via Bluetooth or Infrared (regional average is 40%) and 12% write
moblogs (regional average is 8%). "Whilst Hong Kong's wealthy are less
inclined to use features such as podcasts, RSS feeds, wikis, widgets
and tagging, it's a different ball game when it comes to mobile
devices. Hong Kongers are the most mobile-savvy across the region,"
said Clare Lui, Research Director for Synovate

Read full text: http://infoclickindia.com/news.php?sp=131&path_news=Hong%20Kong.jpg


When Markets Collide - Mohamed El-Erian wins the Financial Times and
Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award 2008

Mohamed El-Erian is a co-CEO and co-CIO of PIMCO, one of the largest
investment management companies in the world. He formerly served as
president and CEO of Harvard Management company, the firm that manages
the university’s $35 billion endowment. He spent 15 years at the
International Money Fund, working on policy, capital market and multi
lateral economic issues. In 2004, Fortune named him a member of its
eight-person ‘Mutual Fund Dream Team’.

Read full text: http://infoclickindia.com/news.php?sp=132&path_news=Mohamed%20El-Erian%20-1.jpg


Aravind Adiga's book "The White Tiger" won Man Booker Prize for
Fiction for 2008

He becomes the fifth Indian author to win the prize, joining V S
Naipaul, Salman Rushdie, Arundhati Roy and Kiran Desai who won the
prize in 1971, 1981, 1997 and 2006 respectively

Read more: http://infoclickindia.com/profile_n.php?id=165


ASSOCHAM Moots 5 Point Strategy To Turn Existing Economic Crisis Into

Welcoming government initiatives to ease liquidity crunch, the
ASSOCHAM has suggested five point strategies to turn severe global
financial crisis to “Advantage India”.

At a Press Conference held at Mumbai, ASSOCHAM President Mr. Sajjan
Jindal said that there is an urgent need for further reduction of CRR
by 200 basis points and repo rate by the same number to 7%. Creation
of USD 25 billion special fund from the foreign exchange reserves
exclusively to be utilized by the ongoing and sanctioned
infrastructure projects.

Read full text: http://groups.google.co.in/group/infoclickindia/post?hl=en


Asia/Pacific Banks Will Invest in Technology Despite Crisis, Says
Financial Insights

Michael Araneta, senior research manager, Financial Insights Asia/
Pacific remarks, "We cite strong growth projections, but we also note
significant shifts in the drivers of IT investments. Clearly, cost
management has quickly risen to the top of the agenda. We see this in
banks' intentions to closely scrutinize where investments are being
made, and to more thoroughly define the intended benefits of IT
projects. The first and easy recourse in the drive to cost management
is to cut discretionary spending, especially in spending on
telecommunications and hiring of contract staff."

Read full text: http://infoclickindia.com/topics.php?d=601

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