--A few years back there was this very neat Xmas accessory in the
form of solenoid-activated bells. There was some sort of pic that had
prerecorded tunes, played by tiny weights on the ends of thin wires that
were whacked by the solenoids. I'm trying to find a source for these little
solenoids but I have no idea where to find 'em. Ideally I'd like a link to
the original source for the bell ringing thingies, then retask 'em for my
app. Anyone got a clue?
"Steamboat Ed" Haas : Never thought I'd live to see
Hacking the Trailing Edge! : our "iron curtain" crumble...
---Decks a-wash in a sea of words---
form of solenoid-activated bells. There was some sort of pic that had
prerecorded tunes, played by tiny weights on the ends of thin wires that
were whacked by the solenoids. I'm trying to find a source for these little
solenoids but I have no idea where to find 'em. Ideally I'd like a link to
the original source for the bell ringing thingies, then retask 'em for my
app. Anyone got a clue?
"Steamboat Ed" Haas : Never thought I'd live to see
Hacking the Trailing Edge! : our "iron curtain" crumble...
---Decks a-wash in a sea of words---