I was not able to find a way to continue the old thread (too old??),
but my basic question was:
Just do a search for reflected in the comp.arch.fpga group and you
should find the entire thread, or try:
I just got this information that may be of interest to some of you.
What I find interesting is that after all the feedback from Xilinx on
this subject that they may change the technology to address this
but my basic question was:
I have spent the last 60 days trying to get an answer from Xilinx on
their new S3 devices. During a review, it was stated that the new S3s
were very sensitive to transients on the I/O pins. Because they made a
point to mention this during the review, I posed the following
question to Xilinx:
"If we look at the incident versus reflected energy and tune the stub
for a worst case match is it possible the driver could be damaged or
chip lock up due to the reflected energy?"
"The circuit would be as follows:
Spartan III Output ------------------------------ Tunable Stub"
I wonder if anyone in this group has asked this question and what was
the responce from Xilinx?
Just do a search for reflected in the comp.arch.fpga group and you
should find the entire thread, or try:
I just got this information that may be of interest to some of you.
overshoot window. This newSubject: Spartan 3E / 4 information
Apparently the problem with past parts was that the I/O was really
2.5V so when >boosting up to 3.3 already took away most of the
this issue is also >in other parts, I believe the Virtex II.revision should correct this. I believe this is preliminary info, but
yes this >is meant to resolve the reflected signal issue. Apparently
What I find interesting is that after all the feedback from Xilinx on
this subject that they may change the technology to address this