I need a couple of 15uF, 100v radial capacitors - 105c.
Typically the online price is less than a dollar each, but the shipping
is closer to $10.00.
I've been looking through Alibaba because the Chinese government seems
to subsidize shopping. I've gotten smart phone subassemblies shipped
all the way from Guandong for zero shipping.... but no luck yet with
Can anybody cite a source where they don't charge so much for shipping?
Pete Cresswell
Typically the online price is less than a dollar each, but the shipping
is closer to $10.00.
I've been looking through Alibaba because the Chinese government seems
to subsidize shopping. I've gotten smart phone subassemblies shipped
all the way from Guandong for zero shipping.... but no luck yet with
Can anybody cite a source where they don't charge so much for shipping?
Pete Cresswell