Ron Davis
I am looking for a simple circuit that will toggle on a small LED flasher
when it senses a very loud noise. It will need to toggle the other circuit
on and stay on even after the noise has subsided. Maybe with a reset switch
to start the thing over again. Something similar to the "clapper" for
controlling lights but just need the on condition. Also need some
adjustment to vary the sensitivity and/or frequency that will be picked up.
This is for a daughters science fair project. Thanks.
when it senses a very loud noise. It will need to toggle the other circuit
on and stay on even after the noise has subsided. Maybe with a reset switch
to start the thing over again. Something similar to the "clapper" for
controlling lights but just need the on condition. Also need some
adjustment to vary the sensitivity and/or frequency that will be picked up.
This is for a daughters science fair project. Thanks.