Bob Masta
Possibly relevant to "On old electrolytic caps" thread, but
also for general interest, I've just released Daqarta v7.60
which includes a macro "mini-app" to use your sound card as
an LCR meter. (Many thanks to Robert A. Macy for
inspiration and advice on this!)
The basic idea is that the sound card outputs a sine wave
(about 1 kHz default) that drives a voltage divider made of
a known reference resistor (say, 1k) in series with the DUT.
The sound card stereo inputs monitor the voltage at the top
of the resistor, and the top of the DUT. The (complex)
voltage across the resistor allows the determination of the
current, which also flows through the DUT, so the complex
impedance of the DUT can be found via Ohm's law.
To calibrate, you only need to know the value of the
resistor (read if from a good DMM), then there are 3 buttons
you click on one by one:
1) Resistor shorted, no DUT
2) Resistor present, no DUT
3) DUT shorted.
That allows the macro to determine the sound card input
impedance, which is otherwise in parallel with the DUT, and
compensate for that in subsequent operation. With a 1k
reference, and a typical sound card impedance of 15k, this
allows reading DUT resistance above 1 Meg.
The big (resizeable) meter shows R (ESR) and X by default,
labelled with proper units (Ohms, K, M, pF, nF, uF, uH, mH,
H). You can change one line in the macro to include DF (or
Q for inductors) as well. One button saves a reading to a
log file; another saves notes/comments.
Regarding the original question about typical ESR values, I
was puzzled for a long time about the fact that ESR was
always inversely proportional to C, such that a 47 pF cap
might show an ESR over 500k.
Turns out that the basic impedance measurement doesn't
distinguish between series and parallel connections of the
real and complex impedance components, so you have to help
it out by toggling a "Series" button to "Parallel" based on
your judgement. Typically, this turns out to be pretty
simple: Use the default Series for electrolytics, and use
Parallel for 1 uF and below. That 47 pF cap reading then
shows a parallell (leakage) resistance well over a Megohm.
Full write-up from the Help system is at
<http://www.daqarta.com/dw_0o0z.htm>, including a screen
shot, photo of a simple test fixture, and circuit diagrams.
Best regards,
Bob Masta
Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Sound Level Meter
Frequency Counter, Pitch Track, Pitch-to-MIDI
FREE Signal Generator, DaqMusiq generator
Science with your sound card!
Possibly relevant to "On old electrolytic caps" thread, but
also for general interest, I've just released Daqarta v7.60
which includes a macro "mini-app" to use your sound card as
an LCR meter. (Many thanks to Robert A. Macy for
inspiration and advice on this!)
The basic idea is that the sound card outputs a sine wave
(about 1 kHz default) that drives a voltage divider made of
a known reference resistor (say, 1k) in series with the DUT.
The sound card stereo inputs monitor the voltage at the top
of the resistor, and the top of the DUT. The (complex)
voltage across the resistor allows the determination of the
current, which also flows through the DUT, so the complex
impedance of the DUT can be found via Ohm's law.
To calibrate, you only need to know the value of the
resistor (read if from a good DMM), then there are 3 buttons
you click on one by one:
1) Resistor shorted, no DUT
2) Resistor present, no DUT
3) DUT shorted.
That allows the macro to determine the sound card input
impedance, which is otherwise in parallel with the DUT, and
compensate for that in subsequent operation. With a 1k
reference, and a typical sound card impedance of 15k, this
allows reading DUT resistance above 1 Meg.
The big (resizeable) meter shows R (ESR) and X by default,
labelled with proper units (Ohms, K, M, pF, nF, uF, uH, mH,
H). You can change one line in the macro to include DF (or
Q for inductors) as well. One button saves a reading to a
log file; another saves notes/comments.
Regarding the original question about typical ESR values, I
was puzzled for a long time about the fact that ESR was
always inversely proportional to C, such that a 47 pF cap
might show an ESR over 500k.
Turns out that the basic impedance measurement doesn't
distinguish between series and parallel connections of the
real and complex impedance components, so you have to help
it out by toggling a "Series" button to "Parallel" based on
your judgement. Typically, this turns out to be pretty
simple: Use the default Series for electrolytics, and use
Parallel for 1 uF and below. That 47 pF cap reading then
shows a parallell (leakage) resistance well over a Megohm.
Full write-up from the Help system is at
<http://www.daqarta.com/dw_0o0z.htm>, including a screen
shot, photo of a simple test fixture, and circuit diagrams.
Best regards,
Bob Masta
Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Sound Level Meter
Frequency Counter, Pitch Track, Pitch-to-MIDI
FREE Signal Generator, DaqMusiq generator
Science with your sound card!